What Predators Are Called Obligate

What Predators Are Called Obligate
What Predators Are Called Obligate

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If you conduct a survey among random passers-by on the topic "who are obligate animals", then every second will answer that this is a predator, and to some extent will be right. Few of the individuals with an average level of thinking know the exact answer to the question posed.

What predators are called obligate
What predators are called obligate

general information

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Obligate is a predator that feeds exclusively on animal meat, and the prey is comparable in size to the hunter himself. Spiders, scorpions, some types of insects belong to this species. But the main representatives of obligate are all predators of the feline family.

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Nowadays, the cat is considered to be a pet. But it is worth taking a closer look at the physical structure, habits, habits of individuals, remembering their congeners from the world of the wild (tiger, lion, panther, hyena), and the opinion changes slightly. From birth, they have well-developed muscles, quick reactions, the ability to see even at night, flexibility, curiosity, dexterity - all these are characteristics of a born predator.

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Power features

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The main difference between obligate animals is that other similar animals (such as, for example, a wolf, bear, dog, fox) can exist for some time on plant food or constantly take it together with meat. The cat's body does not accept this. This is due to the special anatomical structure of the stomach and the composition of saliva.

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The feline's stomach is very short and unable to digest plant foods. The peculiar structure of the mouth, the location of the incisors and canines allows the animal only to tear food into pieces and swallow it without chewing. The lower part of the cat's jaw only moves up and down, cutting large pieces of meat into smaller ones.

Amylase is absent in the composition of cat saliva. With its help, plant foods are digested. This type of food is simply not needed by the obligate. A cat's vital food includes foods such as meat and fish. By consuming this food, the animal will always be healthy and strong. Meat contains the most important amino acid for a cat's body - taurine. Thanks to her, the animal sees well. Taurine is actively involved in the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body. Fish contains another vital amino acid - arachidonic. It is also very important for the normal functioning of the eyes. Fatty foods saturate the obligate body with almost all types of vitamins: A, B, E, K, D.

One glance at an animal is enough to determine its condition. With a lack of nutrition or a lack of vitamins, the animal begins to lose hair, grows poorly and breaks the claws.
