How To Treat Cystitis In Cats At Home

How To Treat Cystitis In Cats At Home
How To Treat Cystitis In Cats At Home

Diseases of the urinary system are one of the most common diagnoses in cats and cats. The causes of the disease can be hereditary factors, errors in nutrition, injury and hypothermia.

How to treat cystitis in cats at home
How to treat cystitis in cats at home

First of all, you should pay attention to the symptoms that precede diseases of the urinary system. The animal sits in the tray for a long time, but cannot urinate, or urine comes out in small portions. In severe cases, there may be blood or crystalline impurities in the urine. The cat becomes lethargic, vomiting may begin, and she prefers to do her business not in the tray, but anywhere. The most acute condition is when the cat cannot urinate at all. In this case, the animal must be urgently taken to the veterinary clinic.

In the veterinary clinic, you should be offered to do an ultrasound scan to rule out kidney disease. Most often, such symptoms indicate urolithiasis (Urolithiasis) and cystitis. An ultrasound will show that there is sand in the bladder, which interferes with the normal outflow of urine. To quickly relieve the cat's condition, he will be given an injection of an antibiotic and antispasmodic. If the condition of the animal does not require inpatient treatment, you will be allowed home and given a treatment plan.

Purchase Stop Cystitis from your veterinary pharmacy (pet store). This is an herbal mixture that should be given to your cat twice a day. In the same place, buy the antibiotic "Amoxicillin", which you will need to inject the cat intramuscularly. In a regular pharmacy, buy drugs for injections "Papaverine" and "Etamzilat", 5 ml syringes. All dosages of drugs and a treatment regimen should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the weight of the animal and its condition.

During the treatment of the cat, it is necessary to revise its diet. Especially you need to monitor your fluid intake. Normally, a cat should drink 40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight. If the animal is consuming less, you can pour the liquid into the mouth with a special syringe. If you fed your cat dry food before illness, switch to wet food in spiders. Or cook boiled chicken with vegetables and cereals (carrots, rice) yourself.

After the course of injections, give the cat an ultrasound scan again and take a urinalysis. If the indicators are normal, the doctor will cancel the treatment and prescribe a preventive nutrition. This is usually a special dry food for cats with ICD.