How To Know When To Give Your Cat A Birth Control Shot

How To Know When To Give Your Cat A Birth Control Shot
How To Know When To Give Your Cat A Birth Control Shot

The issue of contraception is especially acute for cat owners, since some individuals are already ready to mate and reproduce again a week or two after giving birth, while still feeding kittens. Contraceptive injections are one way to temporarily stop estrus.

How to know when to give your cat a birth control shot
How to know when to give your cat a birth control shot

Contraception methods for cats

Sterilization is a surgical operation that is performed before the first heat, it allows you to completely save the cat and its owner from all those unpleasant manifestations of sexual desire for which these animals are famous. The disadvantages of this method include the complete inability of the cat to give birth after such an operation was performed. But, undoubtedly, for her health it is still the safest and most effective method of contraception.

The most popular methods, the advantage of which is considered to be the possibility of resuming reproductive function in cats, include birth control pills and injections, hormonal agents of strong action. The pills contain hormones that cause false pregnancies or simply suppress sex drive in cats. Contraceptive injections prevent estrus. In veterinary practice, the hormonal drug Covian is most often used. The first injection of it is done under the guidance of a specialist - a veterinarian, its effect lasts six months, after which the owner of the cat can already independently take the drug every six months until it becomes necessary to tie the animal. The injection should be given before the onset of the anticipated estrus, being careful not to miss the first signs of her approach.

Signs of heat in cats

A cat's first estrus can begin at the age of 7-9 months. It passes, in contrast to dogs, outwardly almost imperceptibly and you may not see any discharge, but the behavior of the animal during this period begins to change. It is good if the matter is limited only to increased affection, frequent purring and a constant desire to contact family members. In most cases, the cat begins to get nervous and constantly emit loud screams, move around, squatting on its hind legs, and behave with people as with potential sexual partners.

Therefore, if you have chosen such a method of contraception as contraceptive injections, try to do them strictly according to the scheme - exactly six months later or immediately after the first signs of estrus appear - a change in the behavior of the animal.

Choosing a method of contraception

But keep in mind that the use of hormonal drugs, both in the form of tablets and drops, and in the form of injections, does not always give a 100% guarantee, and is fraught with the most severe consequences for the health of your pet, up to pyometra and oncology. Today, only sterilization can save an animal from the problems caused by the reproductive instinct, make it more flexible and reduce the risk of many diseases.
