An experienced dog breeder should know everything about the physiology of a dog, about the processes that occur in the body of animals. Techka is a natural process common to all female mammals.

When heat occurs
The first estrus occurs at 6-12 months from birth. Its onset depends on the breed and size of the dog. A similar phenomenon occurs twice a year with a frequency of 6 months. The duration is 22-30 days. Signs of heat in dogs: swelling of the external genital organs, spotting, frequent urination, aggressive behavior, or, conversely, lethargy.
Stages of estrus
The estrus period can be divided into several stages. From 1 to 9 days, spotting is observed, the dog pays attention to males, but behaves aggressively and does not allow mating. She has special contempt for other bitches. From 10 to 16 days, transparent mucus is released instead of blood. This time is considered the most suitable for mating and fertilization. The bitch, seeing the dog, takes the tail to the side and pulls up the loop. Allows the cable to land on it.
On day 14, the eggs pass into the uterus and mature in it for several hours. They remain fertile for a couple of days. But sperm remain active for about 24 hours. With a successful outcome, conception occurs. On the 17th day, "love passions" subside, and the possibility of conception decreases. On day 60, the discharge disappears, the dog's nipples swell and the vulva increases. Even if there was no mating, progesterone levels will be elevated. The impression of a false pregnancy is created.
Prevention of unwanted pregnancy
During estrus, in case of unwillingness to mate, you need to be extremely careful. The dog should only be walked on a leash. She can run away without listening to commands. At the beginning of sexual intercourse, it will be impossible to separate the dogs. Termination of pregnancy is possible. For this, special tablets are sold. But they have a lot of side effects, which can affect the health of your beloved pet.
It should be remembered that childbirth in bitches under one year old is very dangerous. A small dog should not be allowed to mate with a large cable, as bearing large puppies is simply dangerous. It is better to initially follow preventive measures and monitor your pet than to get rid of unwanted pregnancy later.
Features of dog care
Before the first estrus in a dog, you can observe a small purulent discharge from the loop - juvenile vaginitis. This is considered normal. Everything will go away by itself after heat. Otherwise, the dog will need to be shown to the veterinarian to determine the cause.
During estrus, special panties are purchased for pet dogs so that they do not leave bloody marks at home. But experts still recommend teaching the dog to lick the discharge at the first heat. It is best to remove all carpets from the floor during this period.