Diseases Of Cats - Symptoms And Treatment

Diseases Of Cats - Symptoms And Treatment
Diseases Of Cats - Symptoms And Treatment

They say cats have nine lives. The question is controversial, and no one has yet given an unambiguous answer to it. But since cats have lived next to people for many thousands of years, taking care of their health is a human task.

Diseases of cats - symptoms and treatment
Diseases of cats - symptoms and treatment

A healthy cat is happiness in the family

It is well known that communication with a cat not only calms the nervous system, but also has a beneficial effect on the heart, lowers blood pressure. In general, a cat is a carrier of positive emotions, which she generously endows a person with.

But, unfortunately, the cats themselves also get sick. Moreover, both their own, feline diseases, and diseases transmitted to humans. So, the health of the pet must be carefully monitored so as not to get infected yourself and to protect the children.

Just like in people, it is important to notice painful changes in a timely manner and start treatment on time. The sooner this happens, the better the chances of a successful recovery. Timely treatment started will not only alleviate the condition of the beloved animal, but also provide a higher probability of success.

What do cats get sick with?

The most common diseases in cats are naturally infectious. They are caused by pathogenic agents.

Viral diseases are also common in cats. Unfortunately, as most cats age, their immunity decreases dramatically. The reason is often poor nutrition and other factors. As a result, cats begin to develop diabetes, urolithiasis, and more.

Parasitic diseases of cats are also quite common. The reason for this is the ingress of parasites into the body through food or through contact with sick animals.

For purebred cats, genetic diseases that are inherited are becoming a serious problem.

Treating cats

One of the most common diseases in cats is urinary tract infection. Once sick, the cat begins to meow piteously when trying to urinate. Often, the disease goes away on its own, but it is better to consult a veterinarian, since the animal suffers from pain, and the disease can give serious complications to the kidneys.

With an upper respiratory tract infection, the cat begins to cough, it develops a runny nose, decreases appetite, the animal quickly gets tired. The disease cannot be started if there is no improvement within two to three days, it is worth seeking help from a veterinarian.

If suddenly your cat has become lethargic, refuses to eat, she has diarrhea and vomiting - there is a high probability of contracting the distemper. In this situation, one cannot hesitate, every wasted minute leads to inevitable death. Only an appeal to a specialist can give a chance for recovery.

Infection with worms is expressed in vomiting, loss of appetite, bloating. Fortunately, the treatment is simple and effective: it is enough to drink a course of special drugs.

In addition to happiness and joy, a cat is also a carrier of dangerous diseases, for this reason, animal owners are obliged to monitor their health in order to preserve their own.
