What To Do With The Cat

What To Do With The Cat
What To Do With The Cat

The appearance of a new resident in the house - a cat - can become a real problem, because not all of them have been trained in the necessary skills from childhood. Raising and teaching a pet the necessary habits occurs gradually, but it has its fruits.

What to do with the cat
What to do with the cat

The decision to have a pet is most often made after careful consideration, because it is the responsibility for the life of the little hairball and the responsibility of caring for it. The appearance of a cat in a new place for him does not always go smoothly, but by doing everything possible, you will protect yourself and him from the unpleasant impressions of your acquaintance.

cat sneezing
cat sneezing

Give your new pet your own little corner. It should contain a tray with filler, a bowl for water and food. For the first few nights, close your cat in the room where this corner is located, do not give access to other rooms. So he will immediately understand and remember this place and, over time, will be able to find it by smell even from the other end of the apartment.

what to do when the kitten sneezes
what to do when the kitten sneezes

If you took a very small kitten, for the first one and a half to two weeks you will periodically have to bring it to its corner. First you need to put the cat near the food, then in the tray. Such persistence will bear fruit - the cat will understand where he needs to go in order to relieve himself and satisfy his hunger.

how to induce an appetite in a cat
how to induce an appetite in a cat

Stop misbehavior. Naughty kittens, having got used to the house, begin to play with everything that catches their eyes. The object of the attack can be wallpaper, slippers, your hands and feet, hairpins, socks and much more. It will be quite fun to watch at first, but as the cat grows up it will look like sheer disobedience. That is why explain to the cat that you cannot do this. Do this with a gentle slap with a newspaper or towel, or spray water. Be sure to say “No!” To strict voices - let the cat remember your tone and one word from childhood, which will mean for him some kind of punishment.

excite the cat
excite the cat

Cats love to travel around the apartment, and not only on the floor and sofas, but also on tables. At the same time, they manage to steal a piece of something edible, even in your presence. Such tricks must be severely punished. After all, this is not only unhygienic, but also dangerous for the animal itself - food cooked with spices is harmful to its health and can lead to serious illness.
