If your pet is not eating well, is lethargic, and looks depressed, it is possible that he or she is constipated. Absence of stool, pain when pressing on the abdominal area can also be considered as symptoms. Constipation is most common in older or overweight cats. If you are completely sure that your pet is constipated, then try to help him now.

Step 1
Make sure your cat is not dehydrated. Pour as much water into the bowl as possible. You can also switch to wet food for cats, it is absorbed much easier than dry food.

Step 2
Choose food that contains bran. Ask your veterinarian to help you determine the correct amount of food per meal.
It is also recommended to take pumpkin puree and give it to the cat in the amount of one teaspoon three times a day. It can help relieve constipation within 24 hours.

Step 3
Play with your cat as much as possible. Obesity and lack of vigorous exercise can also trigger constipation. Exercise will help your cat maintain a healthy weight. Play with her constantly, do tricks and jumps.

Step 4
If your pet's constipation lasts more than three days or recurs after a few weeks, be sure to see your veterinarian. Only an experienced doctor can help determine the cause and prescribe quality treatment.