Symptoms And Treatment Of Intestinal Obstruction In A Cat

Symptoms And Treatment Of Intestinal Obstruction In A Cat
Symptoms And Treatment Of Intestinal Obstruction In A Cat

Pets, like people, are susceptible to various diseases, often animals cannot cope with the disease themselves, at such moments their life completely depends on the person - the owner of the animal and the veterinarian.


If the owner realized that the cat or the cat has intestinal obstruction: "What to do?" - this is the first question that the owner of the animal will ask, and will be right. But first you need to find out if the cat really has intestinal obstruction. The symptoms listed below can help the owner make a tentative diagnosis and decide if a medical emergency is needed.

The owner of the animal should be alerted by 3 signs that accompany this disease: progressive vomiting, absence of stool, deterioration of the general condition.

The first symptom necessarily accompanies intestinal obstruction, at first vomiting may be infrequent, but gradually the process progresses. The liquid drunk does not give the animal relief, since it stagnates in the stomach, unable to move through the intestines, but comes out back through the mouth.

The second symptom should also alert the owner, but the absence of a stool can not be noticed immediately due to the fact that on the first and even on the second day of the illness, bowel movements may occur due to previously eaten food.

Against the background of the first two signs, the third develops - the cat is no longer as active as before, the animal weakens before our eyes, becomes lethargic and moves little.

If this happens, you cannot self-medicate: put enemas, use liquid paraffin, because this can lead to the death of the animal! It is necessary to immediately take the four-legged friend to the veterinary hospital, where there are the necessary devices, experienced doctors who can make the correct diagnosis. This will be helped by X-ray, with the help of which the cause of the intestinal obstruction will become clear: a linear body (hair, tinsel, threads, etc.), a restrained hernia, volvulus of intestinal loops, swelling, etc.

If this is really an intestinal obstruction, then surgery is often indicated, and it can only be performed by an experienced surgeon with the necessary skills. The doctor eliminates the causes of an insidious disease: he will remove a linear or foreign body, perform excision of a neoplasm, or eliminate intestinal volvulus.

After the operation, the animal will be prescribed antibiotics and droppers, the pet will begin to recover and will certainly recover!
