
How Does The Bear Move

How Does The Bear Move

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The bear family has seven species that live in different parts of the world. The most numerous are polar bears living near the North Pole, as well as brown bears, which are common in most regions of the world with the exception of Antarctica and Australia

How Water Striders Stay On The Water

How Water Striders Stay On The Water

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The surface of a pond, river, puddle and any other body of water can be safely called a unique ecological niche. The fact is that on the surface of these reservoirs are concentrated two completely different environments for living organisms - water and air

What Does A Viper Look Like And What To Do When It Bites

What Does A Viper Look Like And What To Do When It Bites

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The common viper is one of the most famous poisonous snakes in our country. Distributed widely throughout the forest zone. Occurs after hibernation, in late April and early May, in various places well warmed by the sun: on stumps, fallen trees, on hummocks, slopes along roads

How To Distinguish A Viper

How To Distinguish A Viper

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The summer sun is enjoyed not only by people and animals, but also by reptiles, which often crawl out onto roads and meadows. Serpentologists believe that snakes will never be the first to attack a person. And they do it only for the purpose of self-defense

How To Name A Girl Kitten

How To Name A Girl Kitten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Animals do not understand human speech, but they respond to their name, including cats. Therefore, as soon as a little kitten girl appears in the house, the question arises of choosing a nickname. The choice of a name for her is based on several principles

How To Teach Your Dog The Voice Command

How To Teach Your Dog The Voice Command

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dog training is not at all difficult, but success is achieved by regular training and, of course, by the psychological qualities of a person. The “Voice” command begins to work out at an early age. First, the dog should be taught the commands "

How To Tell Gender In Hamsters

How To Tell Gender In Hamsters

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Rodents often give birth to offspring, and if a pair of hamsters does not have babies for a long time, this should alert. Perhaps they are same-sex hamsters. You need to make sure who is female and who is male. To do this, you need to carefully examine them

How To Fight Off The Smell Of Cat Urine

How To Fight Off The Smell Of Cat Urine

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats are unique animals both in appearance, character and smell. Anyone who has come across this peculiar feline scent at least once in his life cannot forget it. But what is there, forget, just remove the unfortunate stain and get rid of the smell is not possible

What To Do If A Cat Shits In Shoes

What To Do If A Cat Shits In Shoes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Even if at first glance the pet loves all family members equally strongly, in fact, the cat distinguishes some of them from the rest. The opposite often happens, when he penetrates to someone from the family with such hostility that he shits in the shoes of this particular person

How Dangerous Is A Viper Bite

How Dangerous Is A Viper Bite

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Vipers are one of the most common snake species. Their habitat is usually old ruins, dry tree trunks or rocky areas. Vipers often live in abandoned houses or basements. A viper bite can cause different reactions in the human body. By itself, the venom of this snake is not fatal, but due to some factors, a fatal outcome can still occur

How To Get Rid Of Cat Smell

How To Get Rid Of Cat Smell

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Our beloved cat pets are a sea of positive emotions and emotions. However, along with the joy of the cat, we get a bouquet of the most unpleasant odors in the kit. The situation is especially critical if the cat lives in an apartment. Cats are very characteristic animals with their own understandings and characteristics

Where Do The Pigeon Chicks Hide?

Where Do The Pigeon Chicks Hide?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The most common birds in Russian cities are pigeons. They live where you can find food, people often feed them. But they are all about the same size. How to determine where the young are among them? What do little chicks look like? If you can see chicks in flocks of sparrows, they differ in color and open their mouths towards the food, then there are no such obvious differences among pigeons

How To Find Out The Age Of A Kitten

How To Find Out The Age Of A Kitten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If on your way met a small, plaintively squeaking glomerulus, which turned out to be a kitten upon closer examination, the problem of determining its age becomes very urgent. Indeed, the mode of feeding and methods of care depends on the correct determination of the baby's age

Who Has The Most Beautiful Tail

Who Has The Most Beautiful Tail

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Animals surprise scientists with their color and the versatility of body parts. Some of them have beautiful ponytails that can be used for different purposes. For some it is a means to attract females, for others it is a means of protection or maintaining balance

What Kind Of Animal Is A Zebra

What Kind Of Animal Is A Zebra

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

They call her "a horse in a sailor suit", she looks very friendly, but you should not try to stroke her: her temper is wild and her teeth are strong. Of course, we are talking about a zebra. Zebras are the only close relatives of the famous Przewalski's horses

How To Name A Puppy Alabai

How To Name A Puppy Alabai

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Alabai is a serious ancient dog breed that has not changed much. Its representatives are excellent guardians and protectors, loyal friends and loving family members. The ancestors of the Alabaevs were mastiffs brought by Alexander the Great and black Tibetan wolves

What Time Of Year Is It Better To Have A Dog?

What Time Of Year Is It Better To Have A Dog?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Buying a puppy is a crucial step. It doesn't matter if it is an elite puppy from a kennel or rescued from a shelter, a large dog or a small one - every animal needs proper care. Instructions Step 1 After much deliberation, the decision has finally been made

What Celebrities Call Their Dogs

What Celebrities Call Their Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many eminent people have four-legged pets to emphasize their individuality and fashion. Today, having a dog, for example, is considered stylish and modern. At the same time, celebrities do not forget to call their beloved animal a very extravagant name

What Breeds Of Pigeons Exist

What Breeds Of Pigeons Exist

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Rock pigeons are common urban birds that everyone knows. However, there are many other breeds of pigeons that are completely different from their urban counterpart. Rock dove This breed is considered the ancestor of all modern pigeon species

How To Release A Pigeon

How To Release A Pigeon

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Competitions among pigeons for flight speed or accuracy of mail delivery are held quite regularly. In order to send your pet there, just having a strong and fast bird is not enough. It is necessary to teach her to navigate. You need to start preparing a pigeon for independent flights early enough

What Do Pigeon Chicks Look Like

What Do Pigeon Chicks Look Like

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dove is a bird symbolizing peace and freedom, which is an integral human companion. Previously, pigeons were used as postmen, now they are bred as pets and used at special events. Few people have seen pigeon nests with little chicks. Pigeons are gullible birds, but they hide their offspring from prying eyes

Why Can Only Adult Pigeons Be Seen On The Street?

Why Can Only Adult Pigeons Be Seen On The Street?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pigeons are a very common bird species. Moreover, they are popular all over the world. The life span of these birds is about 5 years. Although domesticated individuals can live and all 15. There are no indifferent people to pigeons: someone likes these beautiful birds, someone considers them a breeding ground for diseases, and someone is dissatisfied with the fact that they like to sit on the crossbars of railway stations and other open areas and leave behind droppings

Who Are Scolopendra

Who Are Scolopendra

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Scolopendra is a carapace centipede. Most often, it lives in tropical warm climates. In temperate zones, this centipede is very rare. However, some varieties of scolopendra can also be found in the southern regions of Russia. The scolopendra is about fifteen centimeters long

What Do You Call A Doberman?

What Do You Call A Doberman?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Doberman is the perfect combination of strength, endurance, intelligence and aristocracy. For such a handsome man, you need to choose an appropriate name, it is unacceptable for a dog of this breed to be called Fluff, Ball or Snowball. When choosing a name for a Doberman, you need to consider several points:

How To Distinguish Male From Female Quail

How To Distinguish Male From Female Quail

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Quail females are acquired in order to provide themselves with quail eggs later. But at the same time, it is more difficult to keep a quail female: she needs certain conditions, warmth, a constant change of food. Therefore, it is better to buy a male for decorative purposes

How To Make Documents For A Cat

How To Make Documents For A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you have a purebred cat, but there are no documents for it, then this could happen for several reasons. Often people take a kitten, but they don't care about the documents, thinking that they still need the animal for their souls. Then they try to make the documents, but it turns out to be very difficult

How To Name A Cow

How To Name A Cow

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In the household, the cow always has a nickname. As soon as a heifer is born, the mistress immediately determines what she will call her. A cow with a name gives more milk, she is more obedient and docile. If there is a summer pasture and the hostess calls out to the cow by name, she immediately approaches her

How To Scare Away Snakes

How To Scare Away Snakes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Gardeners and dacha owners often face a very unpleasant problem - an invasion of snakes. As a rule, snakes, snakes and vipers become uninvited guests. If the first 2 species are even more or less harmless, then the viper is a poisonous snake, and it is better to get rid of such a neighborhood

How To Name A Sphynx Kitten

How To Name A Sphynx Kitten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sphynxes are mysterious, exotic, unusual cats without hair. If you become the proud owner of such a miracle, you need to choose the right name for the kitten. Names for thoroughbred sphinxes need to be selected, taking into account some peculiarities

How To Find Out How Old A Land Turtle Is

How To Find Out How Old A Land Turtle Is

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Turtles are one of the most amazing animals, over which time has practically no control. Experts say that over the past 200 million years, turtles have not changed either externally or in their way of life. Many people are fond of raising land turtles in their homes as pets

How To Catch A Sparrow

How To Catch A Sparrow

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sparrows are those birds that surround us from childhood and throughout life. It is about these little birds that we know everything from birth, it is them that we see in every courtyard, on every street, at every shop or lantern, in every park or square, and we often feed them from balconies or near benches

How To Name A Rabbit Boy

How To Name A Rabbit Boy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The rabbit is no longer just an object for obtaining meat, fat and fur. Now, in many modern families, the rabbit is a full member of the family, a favorite pet for adults and children. Decorative rabbits are very cute and funny creatures. Naturally, having brought this animal home, making sure that the chosen rabbit, for example, a boy, the owners begin to think about how to name it

How To Tell If A Cat Or A Cat

How To Tell If A Cat Or A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many inexperienced cat owners have faced this situation. It would seem that they took the kitty, and after a few months, she begins to scream heart-rendingly and mark the territory, like a cat. The fact is that small kittens have very similar genitals and in order to identify a cat or a cat, you need to know small differences

How To Identify Rabies In A Cat

How To Identify Rabies In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If your beloved cat behaves strangely, something is clearly wrong with her, you need to exclude such a dangerous disease as rabies. This disease is highly contagious and can be spread from animal to person. What are the signs of rabies in a cat?

How To Tell If Your Guinea Pig Is Pregnant

How To Tell If Your Guinea Pig Is Pregnant

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you have a heterosexual pair of guinea pigs in your living area, learn to recognize a female's pregnancy. This is necessary in order to timely move the expectant mother to a separate equipped cage and prepare everything necessary for the moment the offspring appears

How To Determine The Sex Of A Scalar

How To Determine The Sex Of A Scalar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Americans call the scalar an angel fish for its thinnest silvery fins that flutter like divine wings. The body of this beautiful fish has the shape of a flat triangle and an unusual coloration with possible bright stripes. By nature, the scalar is very cautious and does not like noise

How To Understand That A Dog Is Giving Birth

How To Understand That A Dog Is Giving Birth

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you are expecting the appearance of puppies from day to day, you should not only prepare a suitable place for the mother, but also not miss the moment of the beginning of labor, so as not to leave your pet alone in difficult times. By what signs can you determine the approach of childbirth?

How To Catch A Wild Duck

How To Catch A Wild Duck

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When hunting for ducks, decoy birds are often used to lure their fellows. The best option is an individual that resembles a mallard in appearance. In some cases, the role of a decoy duck can be performed not by a specially grown, but by a wild duck

How To Catch A Snake

How To Catch A Snake

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Already - this is a snake of the already-shaped family. Its main feature is the yellow "ears" on the head. The snake bite is not dangerous for humans (and they rarely bite, preferring to run away from danger). If you want to catch a snake, keep in mind that it gives off a very pungent unpleasant odor, which, however, is very unstable

How To Tell If A Hamster Is Pregnant

How To Tell If A Hamster Is Pregnant

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Hamsters are very popular pets. They are fun to watch and easy to care for. Many are breeding hamsters. But it is quite difficult for an inexperienced breeder to determine the pregnancy of a hamster. Instructions Step 1 To understand whether your female hamster is pregnant or not, you need to know some of the breeding characteristics of these animals