Sparrows are those birds that surround us from childhood and throughout life. It is about these little birds that we know everything from birth, it is them that we see in every courtyard, on every street, at every shop or lantern, in every park or square, and we often feed them from balconies or near benches. We know where they live, where they spend the night, what they eat and how they reproduce. We do not know only one thing - how to catch a sparrow, because these birds, small at first glance, are quite fast and nimble, which is not so easy to tame.

Step 1
Catching a sparrow is not an easy task; here you are unlikely to need any special devices for catching birds, such as nets or traps. Here, qualities such as dexterity, calculation and cunning are more important.

Step 2
Take white bread and sprinkle it where you often see these birds. If the sparrow has flown into the room, the crumbs should be put when the bird sits down so that it will notice and nibble. These steps should be repeated several times for a day or several days in a row, thereby taming the birds (bird), which, having pecked once, will already wait for you to feed them again and again. After such feeding, upon seeing you, the sparrows will fly to that place by themselves.

Step 3
Prepare a small cardboard box and a stick (piece of wood) that you can just pick up on the street. You will need a stick to hold the cardboard box.

Step 4
Attach a thread about 1.5-2 meters long to the piece of wood. Place the box on a wooden post at a 30-degree angle where the sparrows were fed. In this case, you should know that the box should be installed in such a way that there is no shadow under it, since the shadow can scare a small bird, and it will not enter the prepared trap.
Step 5
Crumble under the box the treats that the sparrows love and move away from the box at a distance of a thread tied to a stick. Wait for the sparrow to fully slide under the box while enjoying the meal.
Step 6
Pull the string sharply so that the stick moves and the box covers the bird at the same time. Sit over a box containing a sparrow with a piece of cloth. Just a jacket or any other clothing is suitable as a fabric.
Step 7
Lift the box up. Catch the bird.