Who Has The Most Beautiful Tail

Who Has The Most Beautiful Tail
Who Has The Most Beautiful Tail

Animals surprise scientists with their color and the versatility of body parts. Some of them have beautiful ponytails that can be used for different purposes. For some it is a means to attract females, for others it is a means of protection or maintaining balance.

Who has the prettiest tail?
Who has the prettiest tail?


The plumage of a female peacock is of no interest. Its main color is gray. But the male during the courtship period attracts her with his magnificent tail. When asked who has the most beautiful tail, the ancient Indians always called a peacock. They considered it to be similar in color to a map of the starry sky. In Greece, it is believed that the eyes of a slain deity are depicted on the tail of this bird.


The fox's tail is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also benefits it in various areas of life. For example, with the help of it, she keeps balance when she rises on her hind legs. Also, during a fight with other members of the genus, the tail becomes the banner and symbol of territorial affiliation.


A horse has the most beautiful tail. With its help, the animal not only drives away flies and shows its attractiveness. It can also be used to determine the mood of the mare, the degree of her energy. The condition of the tail indicates the level of health of the animal. It is the tail that regulates the body temperature of the horses and helps them to achieve balance during difficult elements in competition.


Another bird that boasts the most beautiful tail is the rooster. Different breeds have a different color and plumage length, but in any case, the male looks very impressive. It uses its tail to attract females and intimidate other males. It is known that a phoenix rooster was also bred in Japan, the tail length of which reaches seven meters.


This small animal has a wide fluffy tail. Its main function is to maintain balance when jumping from tree to tree. But unlike any other animals, the female carefully monitors the condition of her tail, since it is he who attracts males. If the squirrel has a thin and felted tail, the male will not pay attention to it for a long time.


This Paraguayan parrot is variegated in color and large in size. He weighs over one kilogram and gets along easily with people. But its main advantage is, of course, the tail. It reaches forty centimeters in length and is especially beautiful during flight. The main colors of this decoration are blue, green, yellow and red.

Arctic fox

The Arctic fox, or the white fox, has the most beautiful tail. No wonder it is often used as an accessory. The tail of the animal is thick and fluffy. Its fur is considered the warmest of its kind. The tail helps the Arctic fox to balance when running and jumping, and also protects it from the winter cold by serving as a pillow. The arctic fox changes color of its body and tail depending on the season.
