How To Tell A Degu

How To Tell A Degu
How To Tell A Degu

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As a pet, the degu has recently settled in the apartments of animal lovers. Its natural habitats are the Chilean Andes. First, the animal was classified as a protein, then a rat. One thing is clear - these are rodents.

How to tell a degu
How to tell a degu


Step 1

If you have never seen a degu before, then its sight can really confuse you - what kind of animal is this? Either a rat or a squirrel. Consider it carefully. For all its similarities to other rodents, it has its own charm.

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Step 2

Degu, Chilean squirrel, bush rat are the names of the same animal. Indeed, in appearance it resembles both a squirrel and a rat. But most of all it looks like a gerbil. Take a close look at the animal. A pubescent tail with a tassel at the end gives it the resemblance to a gerbil. The back is brown or brown. The abdomen is creamy and the circles around the eyes are of the same color. The ears are much larger than those of the gerbil. The natural color of the gerbil is gray and is smaller than the degus.

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Step 3

Anatomically, degus are similar to guinea pigs, although outwardly they are very different. It is impossible to confuse them. Guinea pigs are much larger and have drooping ears. Some of their breeds have long hair. Degus have erect ears and are shaped like human kidneys. The coat is short. These animals weigh only 200-300 g.

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Step 4

Sometimes degus are compared to jerboas. Consider both if possible. The front legs of the animal are shorter than the hind ones. This is where the similarities end. The feet of the hind limbs of the jerboa are almost half the length of its body. The body is short. The difference in the lengths of the front and hind legs of the degu is not so pronounced.

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Step 5

The degu is compared to a rat, apparently only because of its long tail. Otherwise, they are not alike. In addition, rats do not have tassels at the tip of their tail.

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Step 6

Consider the animal's face. Here, there is a similarity between a chinchilla and a squirrel. The head is rounded. The nose is flat. The neck is short and stocky. But, of course, it is impossible to confuse it with a squirrel, since it has a striking distinctive feature - a lush tail. Chinchillas are 2 times larger. Well, that's probably all. Now you will no longer confuse a degu with a squirrel or a rat.
