How To Treat Cystitis In Cats

How To Treat Cystitis In Cats
How To Treat Cystitis In Cats

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Cystitis in cats can occur due to hypothermia, as a complication after previous inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, often accompanied by inflammation of the urethra. The disease is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and is manifested by frequent urge to urinate, blood in the urine, and cats may have vaginal discharge. It is better to treat cystitis in the early stages of manifestation, so that it does not go into the chronic stage.

How to treat cystitis in cats
How to treat cystitis in cats


Step 1

Prepare a warm bedding for the whitened animal, ensure complete rest. In order to suppress the opportunistic flora, antibiotics and nitrofurans are prescribed. In addition, the use of diuretics is indicated, which will help remove inflammation products from the bladder. For spasms and severe pain, antispasmodic and analgesic drugs are prescribed. In especially severe cases, the bladder is washed with antiseptic solutions (penicillin solution, potassium permanganate, furacilin).

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Step 2

Eliminate dry food from the cat's diet, give as much liquid as possible. If the animal refuses to drink, try filling it into the mouth with a syringe without a needle. You can add a decoction of horsetail to the water, additionally put a warm heating pad on the cat's stomach.

the dog vomited water
the dog vomited water

Step 3

Cystitis is often the result of helminth damage, in this case, antihelminthic drugs are prescribed. If it is a consequence of another disease of the genitourinary system, surgery is indicated for the cat.

cystitis in a kitten
cystitis in a kitten

Step 4

The fastest recovery occurs after uncomplicated cystitis. Otherwise, sometimes it is required to carry out a procedure, the essence of which is to draw an animal urine using a catheter under the influence of an anesthetic injection.

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mastitis in a cat treatment with folk remedies

Step 5

It is best to prevent cystitis from occurring. Watch out for the absence of drafts in the room, treat infectious and inflammatory diseases in a timely manner, avoid hypothermia of the animal. Timely treat vaginitis and endometritis.

Step 6

Choose a balanced menu, exclude small fresh fish, dry food from the diet, provide the cat with clean water.

Step 7

Cystitis is a very unpleasant disease. If left untreated, the disease can be fatal.
