Raising Cats

Raising Cats
Raising Cats

Cats are wayward and interesting animals in their own way. They require a special attitude towards themselves. Raising these animals is a responsible and troublesome business. The pet owner needs to be patient and persistent.

Raising cats
Raising cats

Parenting rules

1) Never hit your cat.

Never do this! A pet can get very scared and again leave a puddle in the wrong place. The cat should not be hit with crumpled newspaper or other light objects. Another time, the cat, seeing you, will flee from you. Of course, when the cat is behaving badly, such as sitting on the table, you have to react severely. Remove it from the table and say: "You can't!" This will be enough for her to understand the prohibition. If the cat scratches, then hiss cat-like at it. The cat will understand this sign as "Come on, stop it!"

2) At the scene of the crime.

If the cat has already done a bad deed, then do not scold her, because she will not be able to understand why you are scolding her. This makes her fearful and may become unclean or scratched.

3) Praise your cat.

Praise is helpful if you praise the animal after doing it. In the future, the cat will try to do more good things, such as catching a mouse.

4) Maintain your distance.

If the cat cannot be weaned from bad manners by shouting "no!", Then use the method of intimidation. For example, a loud clap. But it is impossible for the cat to find out that the source of the terrible sound is the owner himself. Before you make a noise that scares her, you need to hide.

5) Patience and time.

If you want to re-educate your cat or accustom her to what she is afraid of, it is advisable for you to be patient. Do not rush her, always praise her when she has done a brave act, ignore her failures, and never pretend that you are angry with her.
