Hares and rabbits belong to the same class of lagomorphs and have much in common in physiological structure. However, the differences between them are not so small as it seems. Moreover, they do not even interbreed with each other.

It is necessary
Hare rabbit
Step 1
If you need to compare directly two adults, clearly not belonging to the same species, put them side by side and carefully examine. The hare, as a rule, is larger than the rabbit, its average body length is about 60 cm, while the length of the rabbit is about 40 cm. The hare has longer ears and legs, especially the hind legs. On the run, the hare can throw its hind legs behind the front, but the rabbit does not know how.

Step 2
If you have the opportunity to observe an individual for a long time, watch the color. Rabbits in winter and summer are the same color; during molting, they do not change color. Hares darken in summer, brighten in winter, the process of their molting is physiologically associated with a change in color.
Step 3
Having stumbled upon a hole from which an eared muzzle (hare or rabbit?) Peeps out - be sure that it is a rabbit. Wild hares do not build burrows and do not raise offspring in them. But wild rabbits are burrowing animals, hence the differences in body structure.

Step 4
Seeing a pregnant hare or rabbit, pay attention to the season. Hares give birth to cubs from mid-spring to mid-autumn, while rabbits breed all year round. In rabbits, the gestation period is 45 days, and in the rabbit it is one and a half times less, only a month.

Step 5
The very young babies are also easy to distinguish from each other. Newborn rabbits are naked and blind, for the first two weeks the mother feeds them with her milk. The hare leaves her children almost immediately, the hares are born mature, fluffy, sighted and can feed on grass on their own.

Step 6
If you have decided to tame a wild rabbit, but have failed, then you most likely contacted a hare. Rabbits are much easier to tame than the latter.