You can hear about getting a pet in almost every family. Children are usually the initiators. The choice is usually limited. Moreover, if you need not just home decoration, but a real friend. Depending on your psychological makeup, the opinions of other family members and capabilities, you can choose a dog or a cat. So who should you give preference to?

Pros and cons of a dog

The merits of the dog include intelligence, devotion. Dogs willingly carry out errands. For example, they bring shoes. Also, dogs guard the house, and, if necessary, can defend the owner. The influence of dogs on people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, as well as on autistic children is especially beneficial.

Undoubtedly, a four-legged friend will bring a lot of joy to all household members, but such an acquisition also has drawbacks. The dog will need to devote a lot of time. For example, walking with her. It doesn't matter what the weather is like outside or how you feel. Also, the pet will need to be washed, and, if necessary, cut.

The dog needs to be educated and trained. Otherwise, she will turn into a vicious animal. The dog will constantly spoil your things, try to bite you and your guests.

Going on vacation can also become problematic. It is not always possible to take a dog with you, and it is even more difficult to attach it to good hands for this time. Of course, you can use the hotel for dogs. The only catch is that such establishments do not function in every city, and the price can be quite high. However, if you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to devote the maximum of your time to your pet, get this wonderful animal.

Advantages and disadvantages of cats
Cats, unlike dogs, do not require as much attention. You don't need to walk with them. A cat can stay alone at home for a long time. If the owners need to leave, the cat can be easily accommodated. In addition, she performs all hygiene procedures independently.
According to many breeders, cats can have a beneficial effect on human health. For example, they normalize blood pressure, improve mood.
The disadvantage of cats is a complete lack of devotion. She is interested in a person only for satisfying her needs. In addition, cats are almost impossible to train. What they do well is catching mice.
However, if you need psychological relief, if you are a lazy person or a busy person arriving in constant departures, stop the choice on this furry friend. When doing this, do not forget to consult with other family members. Perhaps the majority will vote for the dog and someone will even want to take on some of the responsibilities of caring for it. Then you should reconsider your point of view. Also, you should opt for a dog if there is a baby in the family or will soon be born. A dog will never approach a child without permission. The cat can be just dangerous for him.