How To Wean A Dog From Begging

How To Wean A Dog From Begging
How To Wean A Dog From Begging

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Most owners try to feed their pets with delicious and varied food. However, the dog begs very often, despite the amount of food eaten. It is quite possible to wean an animal from such a habit on its own.

How to wean a dog from begging
How to wean a dog from begging


Step 1

Train your dog to a specific feeding location. Today, pet stores offer an excellent selection of dishes and accessories that will help equip a complete "dining room" for your pet. The dog should get used to the fact that he receives food strictly in this place. In this case, she will not develop the habit of begging for anything elsewhere. In this case, the discipline depends, first of all, on you: it is worth feeding the pet from your hands several times, and he will probably start begging further.

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Step 2

Make sure that the animal is always full. Try to make your pet's diet as varied and complete as possible. Asking a hungry dog not to beg is a daunting task. Even if you are giving some food from your table, do not do it during your meal. Set aside a specific portion and take it to your dog a little later in its place. Very soon, the animal will understand that there is no point in begging for food before that.

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Step 3

Do not allow strangers to feed your dog, especially hand-feed. Even if they are members of your family, and the food they offer is the most delicious. Sooner or later, your pet will understand that not everyone around you supports the rules you have established, and there is always a tidbit for him.

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Step 4

Try to provoke the dog. Arrange foods that she can easily steal in places accessible to her. However, if you try to do this, immediately stop this action. Of course, in no case should you beat the animal: the strict tone and discontent expressed by facial expressions will already allow the dog to understand that this should not be done. No less harshly prohibit picking up anything on the street, since in this case we are no longer talking about discipline, but about the elementary safety of the pet.
