The Most Common Birds In Russia

The Most Common Birds In Russia
The Most Common Birds In Russia

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Currently, there are about 780 species of different birds in Russia. Some of them adorn cultural and natural Russian landscapes, fill them with colors and beautiful sounds, while others inhabit taiga forests and Russian semi-deserts, breathing in them the scent of life.

Pigeons are one of the most common birds in Russia
Pigeons are one of the most common birds in Russia


Step 1

White stork.

Storks, along with herons and ibises, belong to the stork family. The white stork is the most common and most famous Russian representative of this family. Inhabits all over Russia. It is with the white stork that people associate all kinds of legends and legends. For example, in Europe and the East, this bird is the keeper of the family hearth and protector from all evil spirits. It is curious that the white stork has practically no voice. This is due to the reduction of the vocal cords of these birds. The white stork is a large and beautiful bird. The weight of some individuals can reach 4 kg with a body height of 1, 2 m, and a wingspan of up to 2 m. Almost the entire body of the stork is covered with white plumage. The only exceptions are black wings.

Step 2

Siberian Crane.

The second name of these birds is white cranes. They live in the northern territories of Russia. Unfortunately, at present, the number of these birds is rapidly falling, because of this, the Siberian Cranes are listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Siberian Cranes are large birds: their body height is 1.4 m, their wingspan is up to 2.3 m, and their weight is up to 8.6 kg. There are no feathers in the front of the head around the beak and eyes, and the skin in this place is bright red. Basically, the plumage of Siberian Cranes is white, with the exception of the black primary feathers of the first row, located on the wings. Siberian Cranes nest exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Step 3

Shore swallow.

It is a small migratory bird. Distributed throughout the world, except Australia and Antarctica. Barn swallows (coastal swallows), along with many other species of swallows and swifts, are widespread in Russia. Beregovushka is one of the smallest representatives of the swallow family: its body length is no more than 13 cm, and its wingspan does not exceed 28 cm.

Step 4


This is one of the most common birds in Russia. Sparrows easily get along with a person, living next to him. The body length of an ordinary Russian sparrow is no more than 16 cm, and its weight is up to 35 g. These birds are painted brown-brown with a tinge of rust and with black spots on the wings.

Step 5


The homeland of these birds is considered to be North Africa, Southwest Asia, Southern Europe. Currently, this bird is distributed throughout the world, including in Russia. This species of representatives of the family of pigeons is considered the largest: the length of the body of the dove reaches 36 cm, the wingspan is 67 cm, and the weight is up to 380 g. The dove has a dense and dense plumage.

Step 6

Great tit.

Distributed throughout Europe, the Middle East, North and Central Asia, as well as in parts of North Africa. The tit has a black head and neck, white cheeks that are conspicuous, as well as an olive top and yellowish bottom. Great tits are the largest birds in Europe. Their body length is 17 cm, their weight is 21 g, and their wingspan is up to 26 cm.
