What Time Of Year Is It Better To Have A Dog?

What Time Of Year Is It Better To Have A Dog?
What Time Of Year Is It Better To Have A Dog?

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Buying a puppy is a crucial step. It doesn't matter if it is an elite puppy from a kennel or rescued from a shelter, a large dog or a small one - every animal needs proper care.

What time of year is it better to have a dog?
What time of year is it better to have a dog?


Step 1

After much deliberation, the decision has finally been made. But the question arises: when is the best time to start a dog? What is the best time of the year to get a puppy? Although the question is rhetorical, many want to know and be sure not to be mistaken. Buying a puppy is not easy and does not tolerate rash decisions.

Step 2

Experts advise buying a puppy in the spring. But the main thing is that he was born in winter, since autumn puppies are already outgrowing and it is much more difficult to get used to new owners. Dry and warm weather in spring and summer will make it possible to fully walk, train to the toilet, and train. Over the summer, the puppy will not only grow up, but also get stronger and be fully prepared for winter walks. In addition, he will receive a lot of vitamins, sun rays, which will have a beneficial effect on his further development.

Step 3

When deciding to buy a puppy, the main thing is not when to get it, but under what conditions. Are you ready for the fact that with the appearance of a puppy you will have many responsibilities that are associated with its upbringing? Yes, in order for the acquisition of a dog not to turn into an encumbrance for you, for which you are not ready, you need to take into account several rules:

1. You must have enough free time to work with the dog. By purchasing an animal, and leaving it alone for a long time, you can bring up a complex of uselessness in a pet;

2. Dogs are different: big and small. And if a small dog requires only care, large dogs also need training and training;

3. New owners need to be prepared for the fact that the puppy can spoil the appearance of furniture at first, relieve the need in an unallocated place or stain the floor;

4. Keeping a dog requires a lot of money. This includes nutrition and treatment by veterinarians;

5. Don't buy a dog as a toy for your child. The child can help take care of the pet, but the bulk of the work will still fall on the shoulders of the adult family members.

6. The dog becomes your companion for many years, and this should not be forgotten.

Step 4

When choosing a puppy, pay close attention to its appearance, the baby should be well-fed and with a shiny coat. At the age of 50 days, the puppy is ready for independent existence without a mother.

Step 5

By following these little tips, you will only experience positive emotions from acquiring a dog. And she will become a real friend for you, not a burden.
