Dove is a bird symbolizing peace and freedom, which is an integral human companion. Previously, pigeons were used as postmen, now they are bred as pets and used at special events. Few people have seen pigeon nests with little chicks. Pigeons are gullible birds, but they hide their offspring from prying eyes.

Step 1
Adult pigeons have white, black, gray or brown plumage. Their habitat is not defined, the pigeon can be found absolutely everywhere: in parks, on noisy city avenues, in villages, in resort towns and on beaches. Today, pigeons can be considered poultry, which are accustomed to people and are not afraid to take food from human hands.
Step 2
What does a pigeon chick look like?
The nestling of a pigeon hatches with a bare pinkish body, on which rare sticky feathers can be found, similar to pods sticking out of the skin. The cub's body weight is only about 10 grams. The chick's head is large enough, therefore, for the first few days, it is not able to stand on its paws, and its body weight significantly exceeds the capabilities of the still fragile lower limbs. The beak grows fastest in a small chick, which looks huge by the end of the first week of life. On the third day, the chick is covered with yellow fluff, which protects its skin from the cold and various microbes. As a rule, pigeon chicks are born blind and remain blind for the first week of life. The grown chicks begin to fly out of the nest when their primary feathers are fully formed, usually a month after hatching, then they reach almost the same size as the adult pigeons. That is why people do not see chicks on the street - they live under the care of their parents in a nest they have built.
Step 3
Breeding offspring
Pigeons have their own special way of incubating their offspring. During the first year of life, each pigeon finds its companion, with whom it is not separated all its life. If one of the companions dies, the second remains alone until the end of his days. The breeding period for pigeons is not limited, offspring can appear throughout the year. However, this happens most often during the summer months when temperatures are warm enough. Bearing in pigeons lasts about a month. After mating, the female pigeon lays 1-2 eggs in her nest. In the third week of incubation, small chicks hatch from the eggs. For the first two weeks, the feeding process falls on the parents of the chicks, who feed their young 7 to 10 times a day with milk that is produced in the walls of the goiter. Already in the third week, the pigeon chicks need additional feeding, so insects and various crops begin to enter the diet.