All About Vultures As The Largest Birds

All About Vultures As The Largest Birds
All About Vultures As The Largest Birds

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Vultures are the largest birds of prey. Their second name is scavengers. They are widely distributed almost all over the world, except for Australia and Antarctica. Since these birds prefer a warm climate, the lion's share of vultures lives on the territory of the African continent.

The vulture is the fiercest and largest of all birds of prey
The vulture is the fiercest and largest of all birds of prey


Step 1

According to the zoological classification, vultures are a heterogeneous group of birds of prey. The fact is that it was formed by representatives of two families: hawk (vultures of the Old World) and American vultures belonging to the New World. Vultures belonging to the first family have 15 species of birds in their own way, while representatives of the New World have only 5 species. Scientists claim that both families are not closely related to each other, but outwardly they are very similar to each other. The closest relatives of Old World vultures are vultures and bearded vultures, and members of the American vulture family are akin to condors.

Step 2

Vultures of prey can be called conditionally. The fact is that these feathered creatures rarely feed on live meat (attack living animals), and more and more - on carrion (animal corpses). The attack of vultures on living creatures can be observed only during the agonizing hunger of these birds, but even at this time, predators choose the weakest or sickest animals. In general, the diet of vultures includes dead mammals, reptiles and fish, as well as the corpses of other birds. It is curious that the menu of scavengers living in India also includes the bodies of people who, according to custom, are thrown into the Ganges River after death.

Step 3

The appearance of the vultures, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired: these are unattractive birds. Their necks are long and completely naked, and their beak is huge and hooked. Vultures have large and wide wings, rounded at the edges. They have a very stiff stepped tail. The paws of these birds are strong, and the fingers are weak, equipped with short and blunt claws.

The smallest representative of this species of birds is the American black catarta: its body length reaches no more than 60 cm, and its weight is no more than 1.9 kg. One of the largest vultures is currently considered the African eared vulture, which has a wingspan of up to 3 m and weighs up to 14 kg. The most famous scavengers are the eared, gray, brown and bald vultures, and their noblest relative is the ridge vulture.

Step 4

Vultures are agile and agile birds. They move on the ground with short and quick strides, and fly well, but slowly. They know how to climb to great heights. These predators have excellent eyesight, so they can easily track carrion even from great heights. However, these birds also have their drawbacks: for complete happiness, they lack a bit of ingenuity. In addition, these predators are imprudent, timid, irritable, quick-tempered, as well as arrogant and often very cowardly. However, this nature does not prevent them from being the most ferocious of all birds of prey.

Step 5

The life of vultures is mainly spent on wanderings: for most of the year they fly from one place to another, and then suddenly appear in large numbers where they have never been before. While some types of vultures try to avoid humans, others almost walk along the village and city streets. These birds build their nests on impregnable rocks or in dense forests. Their chicks hatch completely helpless. Vulture babies become ready for independent life only a few months after birth.
