Why Can Only Adult Pigeons Be Seen On The Street?

Why Can Only Adult Pigeons Be Seen On The Street?
Why Can Only Adult Pigeons Be Seen On The Street?

Pigeons are a very common bird species. Moreover, they are popular all over the world. The life span of these birds is about 5 years. Although domesticated individuals can live and all 15. There are no indifferent people to pigeons: someone likes these beautiful birds, someone considers them a breeding ground for diseases, and someone is dissatisfied with the fact that they like to sit on the crossbars of railway stations and other open areas and leave behind droppings.

Why can only adult pigeons be seen on the street?
Why can only adult pigeons be seen on the street?

Pigeon nests are safely hidden from human eyes. For example, they live in closed attics, under bridges or similar structures, as well as in the technical voids of houses.

What is a pigeon's nest

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The pigeon pair annually repairs their nest, increasing it in size. If another male appears nearby, and attempts to drive him out end unsuccessfully, the pigeons have to abandon their home.

A pigeon's nest is a small pile of twigs of straw and other material with a small indentation in the center. Moreover, these urban birds have a clear division of responsibilities in the process of building a nest: the male brings materials, the female wigs. The nest of pigeons itself does not have a clear outline and is rather sloppy in appearance. Moreover, it is used more than once.

Pigeon eggs hatch for 20 days. Most of the time, the female does this, but sometimes the male replaces her. Chicks hatch literally within a few hours. After that, the parents immediately throw the shell out of the nest.

How chicks behave in the first time after birth

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The chick is not interesting to stranger adult pigeons. Therefore, if for some reason he was left without parents, he is unlikely to be able to survive. Parents, on the other hand, watch their chicks very closely and vigilantly take care of them.

The pigeon chick receives its first food approximately 2-3 hours after birth, the second time it is fed 12-16 hours later.

In connection with such a diet, only the strongest individuals survive. The weak may simply not live up to the next meal.

Pigeon chicks are covered with yellow down and have a large beak. Within a month, this fluff changes to feathers. And after 2 months the chicks can fly on their own. Literally a month after birth, the chicks reach the size of an adult, and it is very difficult to distinguish them in the total mass of birds. Therefore, it turns out that no one sees pigeon children - they grow up too quickly.

However, if you look closely, you can see the young in the general flock. They can look different. Their feathers do not shine like adults. In the place of the neck, they are completely brown in color, and not motley, like in the older ones. In addition, young pigeons are not yet very well-fed.

If you find a pigeon's nest, don't touch it. After all, adults are very sensitive even to a change in landscape. And if they see that their eggs have been found, and someone examined them and took them in hand, they can simply fly away.
