Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Ancistrus, called "sticky" or "suction cup" for its appearance, easily adapts to life in any water. Breeding this beautiful catfish is available even for novice aquarists. The main thing is to have a good pair and a separate aquarium equipped for spawning
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Sumatran barbs are the most common aquarium fish among all representatives of their genus at the present time. These aquarium pets are distinguished by their funny behavior and attractive appearance. Who are Sumatran barbs? These are popular aquarium fish from the genus of barbs
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many pet owners consider spaying to be inhumane to their pets. But is it? Are all other methods that help avoid sexual desire so safe for animals? So, the pet grew up, and he had quite adult desires. During this period, it is important for the owner to honestly answer to himself a few questions:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Hermit crabs are classified as decapod crustaceans. The average size of an individual is 9-10 cm, the largest representatives reach 17 cm in length. More than 450 species of such crayfish are known. External characteristics The body of hermit crabs is predominantly soft, they do not have a strong shell, so most species protect their abdomen with empty shells of mollusks
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Gorillas are monkeys that are very similar to humans both in habits and habits, and in appearance. However, the structure of the body and some of the external features of gorillas are still different from humans. One of these distinctive features is the large nostrils
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The largest frog in the world is the goliath, its size is up to 35 cm in length and weight is up to 4 kg. The amphibian lives in Africa. For the first time, a goliath frog was discovered in Cameroon. In addition to its size, the goliath frog has vocal features
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
An open circulatory system is characterized by the fact that blood is poured from the vessels directly into the body cavity. After that, it is reassembled into vessels. Of all animals, only mollusks and arthropods have such a circulatory system
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These creatures are everywhere! They can be found both on the ground, in the air and in the water. They are generally unmatched in terms of their numbers and diversity, in terms of behavior and nutrition, and, of course, in their adaptation to life
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Geese are kept in many personal subsidiary plots. This is because they can consume high fiber feed and the young have a high growth rate, which is not the case with other poultry species. Goslings need proper care after hatching. Instructions Step 1 The first three weeks of life for goslings is the most crucial period
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Chicks hatch from eggs blind, they are covered with sparse down or even naked and unable to feed on their own. During the entire period of the chicks being in the nest and several weeks after its abandonment, the parents bring them new portions of food
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There are many places in the world, seemingly devoid of all conditions for life. It is these places that humanity has christened deserts. There are quite a few different deserts on planet Earth. Some of them are sultry all year round, while in others real winter comes to replace summer
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Raising quails is no more complicated and laborious than breeding any other poultry. In addition, they are fast growing and highly productive. It is possible to keep quails in small quantities even in a city apartment. It is necessary - small-sized household incubator
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Gorgeous cat whiskers are often objects of children's hairdressing experiments. Adults do not pay much attention to such actions, because the animal is not injured. However, the cat needs a mustache, or vibrissa! Why does a cat need a mustache According to the researchers' assumptions, feline whiskers are assigned three tasks:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
In order to raise healthy chicks, the first thing to worry about is choosing an incubator. You can get an inexpensive analog or digital one that can save you a lot of hassle. You can also do it yourself. But, whatever the decision, in order not to be disappointed later, you should follow a few simple rules
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The need to determine the age usually arises if the animal comes to you by accident. In order to understand how old your dog is, you need to pay attention to the condition of the teeth, eyes and hair of the animal. Instructions Step 1 Dogs develop most intensively in the first two years of life
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
With the arrival of summer, the danger of tick bites increases. These insects can wait not only in the forest, but also in the city. They have an extraordinary instinct and can instantly "rush" at an animal or person as soon as they approach him
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Determining the age of a dog by the teeth is considered more accurate than by other characteristics characteristic of its appearance. This method is used in the case when the animal has no owner, there is no documentation about the origin of the dog
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It is best to get a small pet from a breeder so that you can see by the parents what the puppy will be like when it grows up. What matters is its origin and how it looks. Labrador puppies come in black, brown and yellow colors. The kid should look active and healthy
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Those who have an aquarium at home may not only keep fish in it. Many in childhood caught newts in rivers and lakes, as they were very attractive because of their unusualness, bright color and bizarre crest. Triton is the general name for the order of tailed amphibians
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Representatives of the class of crustaceans inhabit reservoirs exclusively with clean and fresh water. That is why crayfish have become tacit "biological indicators": by their presence or absence in a particular body of water, one can determine the degree of environmental pollution
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Probably, each of us has a memory from childhood, when, with the onset of spring, we found a small creature that looked like a lizard on the street and brought it home. At home, they put in a jar and tried to feed it with fresh grass, but, despite all these worries, the newt lived in the bank for a maximum of several weeks
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Aquarium fish and turtles have now become obsolete. Aquarium newts are another matter. They can rightfully be called quite rare inhabitants of houses and apartments. In nature, they are also quite difficult to meet, since these amphibians are nocturnal
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
There are several games that will help the animal to have fun and make its relationship with the owner more friendly. For this entertainment, you do not need to buy expensive toys: all the necessary items are simple and inexpensive. Instructions Step 1 Most cat lovers do not know that there are many games that will help both the pet and the owner to have fun
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Every happy owner of a cat at least once in his life had to take his pet out of the house, at least for an appointment with a veterinarian or for a walk. It is not difficult to cope with an animal for a couple of hours, much more difficult if a long journey is ahead
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Kittens are born toothless. After a couple of weeks, their incisors begin to erupt, and at the age of two or three months a full set of milk teeth already appears in the mouth (there are 26 of them in kittens). And then the teeth begin to change to permanent ones
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Cats reach puberty by 7-9 months. But it is recommended to knit an animal for the first time not earlier than it reaches one year of age. After all, the cat must be old enough and strong enough for the upcoming pregnancy and for the birth of healthy strong kittens
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Currently, a large number of cattle breeds, in general, and cows, in particular, are "exploited" in the world. They are subdivided into dairy and meat, and it is believed that the most milk can be produced by Ayshirsie cows, which are quite common in Russian regions located in the European part of the country
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A slow man is said to do everything like a turtle, comparing him to a leisurely animal. The turtle really does everything slowly. But there are even more sluggish animals, which include the snail, koala and sloth. As it turned out, the sloth was recognized as the slowest animal in the world, not only by the pace of its movement, but also by the way of life, which underlines its name
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The Dzungarian hamster is a source of constant joy and positiveness. It is simply impossible not to love this baby, he is so cute and funny. Therefore, if you decide to keep a dzungarian baby at home, get ready to smile more often and get an additional charge of positive emotions
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It is sometimes difficult to find out the sex of a hamster - little fluffy animals are so similar to each other that even experienced specialists sometimes "miss". Instructions Step 1 In order to determine the sex of the hamster, you must carefully take the animal in your hand, holding the head and upper body with your thumb
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Sometimes, at the sight of pets, people are moved and clearly decide to buy someone for themselves. The most popular, of course, are rodents: hamsters, guinea pigs, etc. And then the question arises of how to name the cutest guinea pig, especially if she is a girl
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
In representatives of some species of kangaroo, the weight of newborn cubs is only 500-750 milligrams, that is, almost 30,000 times less than that of the mother. How kangaroo babies are born According to zoological experts, a female kangaroo, whose growth is about one and a half meters, gives birth to a baby 2 centimeters long
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Dzungarian hamsters are cute fluffy rodents. When buying a pair of hamsters, you need to make sure that they are of different genders. Cubs of Dzungarian hamsters are very small in size and it will be possible to determine their sex by 3-4 weeks of age
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Visually, Dzungarian hamsters do not differ from each other, so it is quite difficult to determine their gender by color or size. If you have a couple of hamsters, and you have never seen offspring from them, it is worth considering, perhaps they are same-sex
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Hamsters are one of the most popular and unpretentious pets. You can buy a hamster at almost any pet store or poultry market. Experts recommend purchasing male hamsters, as females occasionally have discharge from the genitals with a specific odor
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The first chickens that appeared in Russia used to be called "simple", now - "Russian". But in our country, other breeds of layers are bred, which are distinguished by high egg production. Breeds of layers that are bred in Russia In Russia, the following breeds of layers are preferred:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Spring pleases with the first gentle rays of the sun, green grass and flowering trees. And at this time, after a long sleep, various insects wake up, filling the air around with buzzing, chirping and bright colors. Early insects As soon as it starts to warm in March, you can see the earliest insects near the water - stoneflies
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
All dogs need help with childbirth, especially small dogs. For everything to go smoothly, you need to prepare for this pleasant event. First of all, don't be nervous. It is better to buy a sedative at the pharmacy in advance. Especially if this is the first birth of your dog and you have not had to participate in this before
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many bird lovers keep parrots at home. Perhaps it will not be an exaggeration to say that budgerigars are most often seen in Russia. Wavy birds are active, sociable and curious birds. Of course, caring for different species of animals, even of the same family, always has some specific points related to the size of the individual, nutrition or habitat in nature
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Before you get a turtle, a waterfowl or a land turtle, as a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of keeping - an animal that is rather unpretentious at first glance needs careful care. It is necessary Turtle, terrarium