What Kind Of Animal To Get With A Small Child

What Kind Of Animal To Get With A Small Child
What Kind Of Animal To Get With A Small Child

A small child can and should communicate with animals. But not all pets are suitable for keeping in an apartment with a baby. The best option is an intelligent adult dog.

The kid walks with his beloved dog
The kid walks with his beloved dog

Communication of a child with animals is very useful in terms of the formation of the psyche and general development. People are now divorced from nature, do not live directly "on earth", as our ancestors used to live, they walk little outside the city, where there is clean air and a lot of vegetation. All this can be made up by vegetation and living creatures in our houses and apartments.

It is not recommended to start with a baby

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Of course, any animal is not suitable for a family with a small child. Birds make a lot of noise, and the cage should be cleaned often so that there are no scattered seeds, droppings and feathers around. Contact with birds can be established already at a conscious age, after 8 years. Some species are very attached to a person, go to the hand, even caress, such as budgerigars. But it is difficult for a small child to control himself, and he can either harm the bird, or be "pecked".

Avoid small rodents such as guinea pigs, hamsters, decorative rats and mice. These animals require delicate handling, which an unreasonable child cannot give. But he will show interest. And spending a lot of time trying to track, no matter how the child pulled the pet out of the cage, and one did not strangle the other, and the second did not bite the first, is not an option at all.

In the West, such a method of treating sick children as canistherapy (dog treatment) is becoming very popular. Children with autism and other disorders have shown good treatment results after being with a dog.

Smaller brothers

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It is very good when there is an adult dog or cat in the house with the baby. Adult animals are great friends and even doctors for young children. Children love to walk the dogs outside and play with them at home. Dogs most often reciprocate. Calm breeds such as the Japanese Chin, Poodle, Irish Setter never offend the little ones. They seem to understand all their responsibility.

Phlegmatic cats are also suitable for intercourse with young children. Some even show their maternal affection for the child. There are many cases when, in moments of danger to the baby, cats with wild cries called adults for help. It is almost a scientific fact that cats have a beneficial effect on humans. With their purr, they can calm and lull an overly active child. During illness, cats often lie down next to them, and the pain recedes.

Animals in the house with a child should be regularly vaccinated, given drugs for fleas, ticks and worms.

When adopting a puppy or kitten, their close communication with a small child also arises. But at first, parents need to constantly keep an eye on the process of "friendship" until the character is determined, the responses of the new pet are not clear. The inconvenience will be that two babies need double care. After all, it takes time to carve out the animal to the toilet.
