How To Get A Pet Owl

How To Get A Pet Owl
How To Get A Pet Owl

The owl is a cute bird with huge eyes and an expressive appearance. After reviewing "Harry Potter" once again and admiring the charming bird of the wizard boy, or looking at the numerous videos with owls quietly sitting on their hands and letting their feathers be stroked, some decide to get such a pet.

How to get a pet owl
How to get a pet owl

Is it worth it?

names for owl
names for owl

Before you start looking for an owl and setting up a home for it, think about whether you can keep this animal. Such a pet is contraindicated for sensitive individuals, because the owl is a predator, and it should be fed with meat. But not chicken or beef purchased at the nearest supermarket, but real game - fresh rodents or chickens. It is advisable not to cut them before feeding, but to give the bird the opportunity to cope with this task on its own. The owl is not the most neat eater, and you will have to regularly remove the remains of its lunch from the floors and walls, otherwise they will begin to emit an unpleasant smell.

How owls hear
How owls hear

An owl is not the cutest pet to handle. You are unlikely to receive as much warmth and feedback from her as from a dog or cat. The bird will not be able to cuddle or fall asleep with her in an embrace. Moreover, if you have a cat or toy dog, they can suffer from the predator's clawed paws and sharp beak. The pleasure of keeping an owl lies in watching this strong and intelligent animal.

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what is the difference between an owl and an owl

Owls live a long time, on average, from twenty to fifty years. Before you get an owl, think about whether you are ready to spend several decades with it, or even your whole life.

where does the owl live
where does the owl live

Where to get an owl

as birds see
as birds see

It is better to keep small owls in captivity. These are short-eared owl, long-eared owl, tawny owl, owls, scops owls. The bird should be purchased in the nursery and, preferably, also as a chick, so that she gets used to you. Owls sold in bird markets have been illegally taken from nature. They can be carriers of various diseases and do not feel any desire to come into contact with humans.

How to equip an owl house

A large open-air enclosure would be ideal for keeping an owl, but if you live in an apartment, it is unlikely that you have the opportunity to build such a dwelling. Get ready for the fact that you will have to give one of the rooms to a new pet. Remove from the room all objects that could injure the bird. Cover the windows with heavy curtains so that the owl does not break on the glass in an attempt to fly away. Special wooden or metal branches should be attached to the walls, which will replace the branches of a real tree. Owls love to swim, so it's worth putting a large, comfortable basin of water in your room. At the same time, they splatter everything around, so take care in advance not to spoil the furniture. Install a drinker that will always have fresh water. The room is now ready for a new tenant to move in.
