Kivsiak is the most common type of millipede. Most often, this species is found in forest areas. There are many subspecies of kivsyaks, and they differ not only in their size, but also in color. Nowadays, these centipedes are especially popular with exotic pet lovers.

An interesting fact is the relationship between lemurs and kivsiaks in the wild. Enterprising animals deliberately scare centipedes, and then rub their bodies with them. Thus, lemurs acquire a specific scent, which, in their opinion, should distract the attention of predators from them. Oddly enough, this method is really effective.

Who is kivsyak

Kivsiak is a centipede that can be as long as a few millimeters or 30-40 centimeters. Its body is covered with a shell, usually black or brown. However, some kivsaki are distinguished by the presence of bright ornaments. When a danger arises, centipedes are protected in two ways - by folding the body into a tight ring and hitting the enemy with a pungent odor.
The most beautiful colors are African kivsaki. Their body is covered with yellow, red, or even blue segments. Experts note that the saturation of the unpleasant odor is directly related to the color of the shell of this centipede. The brighter the color, the more pungent odor can be emitted by kivsyak. Albinos are considered the most "fetid" centipedes.
The main diet of kivsaki is mushrooms and tree leaves. Centipedes are especially interested in rotten shoots, bark and foliage. Kivsaki are distinguished by their excellent appetite, and within several months one individual can consume up to several buckets of plant food.
How to keep a kivsyak
The unusual appearance and impressive size of the kivsyaks attracted the attention of exotic fans to them. You can keep these centipedes at home in ordinary plastic containers or terrariums. With proper care and adequate feeding, kivsyak can live up to 12-13 years.
Colorful centipedes are omnivores, so you can offer them almost any plant food. They also do not refuse cottage cheese or even meat. The kivsaki are especially interested in chalk. This ingredient should be regularly included in the food of the centipede as a source of vitamins.
Keeping a kivsyak in captivity has its advantages and disadvantages. This centipede, despite the presence of more than seven hundred "legs" - is very slow. She will not be able to instantly hide from your field of vision, at all she wants. Kivsyak does not require special care - it is enough to supply it with the necessary amount of food and give it the opportunity to retire in the ground.
The main disadvantage of this centipede is its shy nature. The slightest fright becomes the reason not only for the transformation of the kivsyak into a ball, but also for the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
In the container where the kivsyak lives, it is imperative to plant several live plants, and cover the bottom with earth or a mixture of soil and sand. Additional equipment is not required for its maintenance.