Many bird lovers keep parrots at home. Perhaps it will not be an exaggeration to say that budgerigars are most often seen in Russia. Wavy birds are active, sociable and curious birds. Of course, caring for different species of animals, even of the same family, always has some specific points related to the size of the individual, nutrition or habitat in nature. But there are general principles of care that apply to different species of animals in this family.

It is necessary
- - cell;
- - feeder;
- - drinking bowl;
- - bath;
- - mirror;
- - toys;
- - perches;
- - a piece of chalk;
- - sand;
- - grain mixture;
- - fresh branches of deciduous trees;
- - fruits and vegetables;
- - cottage cheese;
- - chicken eggs;
- - herbs.
Step 1
When purchasing a parrot, first of all, make sure that the bird is healthy. A healthy parrot is active and curious, the plumage is clean, not tousled, without bald spots. The beak is shiny, no chips, nostrils, no crusts or discharge. The parrot should not sneeze, often yawn and jerk his head, his eyes are round, shiny, clean, not swollen or sunken. In a young parrot, as a rule, the eyes are completely black, and do not have a white iris. Young, healthy birds get used to it much faster and tolerate room keeping more easily.
Step 2
It is best to place a cage with a parrot at human eye level, away from drafts and heating appliances. But, in no case, do not put it in the kitchen, and do not place it on household appliances - refrigerators, TVs, computers, etc. The cage should be illuminated by the sun, but in intense light, part of it should be shaded with a cloth. In low light conditions, purchase special lighting equipment for your parrots. The normal temperature for keeping a parrot is 20-25 ° C.
Step 3
The best option for keeping a parrot is a rectangular cage with a flat roof. The parrot should be able to spread its wings and flap without touching the walls. The minimum size of the cage is 40x25x30 cm. And the optimal for breeds with small dimensions is 100x50x80 cm. It is best if the rods of the cage are made of stainless steel. The distance between them should not exceed 1.5 cm. Cages for sale usually have retractable plastic trays. This is a convenient option for making daily cleaning of the bird's home easier.
Step 4
A feeder and a drinker must be placed in the cage. Better even if there are 2 feeders - for the grain mixture and soft feed. The feeder should be made of plastic or porcelain. The drinking bowl can be made of porcelain or glass. You also need at least two perches of different diameters, made of hardwood - oak, maple, birch. Their optimal thickness is 1, 2-2, 0 cm. Make wooden ladders in the cage, place toys so that the bird has something to do.
Step 5
There should be chalk in the cage - this is a source of calcium and a tool that helps to grind the beak. You can put a thin layer of sand into the pallet. It is needed for normal poultry digestion. Your best bet is to buy it at a pet store. Sand brought from the street can cause a parakeet to become infected with worms. You can also give sand in a separate feeder.
Step 6
Be sure to get a bath, as many parrots love to swim. It is not worth keeping her in a cage all the time, but on hot days it is necessary. After bathing, the bath should be removed. If your parrot will live alone, attach a small mirror in the cage - this will help create a "flock effect."
Step 7
There should always be food and water in the cage. The basis of nutrition for parrots is grain mixtures, which include millet, unpeeled oats, raw sunflower seeds. In winter, it is a good idea to feed the birds with sprouted grain. It should be given in small portions, as it quickly deteriorates. Fruits, vegetables and berries will help to diversify food - apples, pears, strawberries, kiwi, mango, pumpkin, beets, carrots. Parrots are also given greens - dill, parsley, sorrel, green salad, young nettles and dandelions. Fresh branches of deciduous trees - rowan, linden, should be placed in the cage. They must first be washed with water and apple cider vinegar. Birds are also given animal proteins - cottage cheese, boiled chicken eggs.
Step 8
The water must be purified and not boiled. It should be changed daily. Feeders and drinkers should be washed every day. The cage should also be cleaned daily. General cleaning is carried out once a month. After it, all surfaces should be treated with chamomile decoction. Twice a year, the cell is treated with neostomosan, and then washed with water and chamomile decoction and thoroughly weathered. The parrot should be planted in a temporary dwelling during harvesting.
Step 9
The parrot is released daily to fly and walk around the room. It is important that all doors and windows are closed during this time.