How To Distinguish A Boy From A Girl Dzungarik

How To Distinguish A Boy From A Girl Dzungarik
How To Distinguish A Boy From A Girl Dzungarik

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The Dzungarian hamster is a source of constant joy and positiveness. It is simply impossible not to love this baby, he is so cute and funny. Therefore, if you decide to keep a dzungarian baby at home, get ready to smile more often and get an additional charge of positive emotions. Of course, I really want to understand whether you are a boy or a girl, but how can you find out? After all, the hamster is still such a crumb.

How to distinguish a boy from a girl dzungarik
How to distinguish a boy from a girl dzungarik


Step 1

Take your time and let your baby grow up a little. In very young hamsters, the sexual characteristics, although distinguishable, are so small that it is simply inconvenient to diagnose them. Be patient and wait until your baby is at least 3 weeks old. At this age, gender can already be determined. First of all, the animal must be accustomed to the hands, because for the procedure of "looking" you will need to hold the hamster in weight for some time, which will not give him any joy if he is completely unaccustomed to this. As soon as you notice that the baby has ceased to be afraid of your hands and willingly climbs into the palm for communication, you can proceed to further actions.

sex differences in hamsters
sex differences in hamsters

Step 2

Take the hamster in your hand and flip it over in the palm of your hand so that your thumb is over the head and chest of the animal. Of course, your pet may not like this procedure very much, that if you do everything correctly, for some time the hamster will lie relatively still and you will have time to see everything that is necessary. So, holding the front part of the jungarik, leave the back part hanging freely from your palm and, if required, gently support it with your other hand. You can examine the hamster by holding it by the scruff of the neck, but this is less convenient, since it will twirl in every possible way and will not allow you to see itself.

how to distinguish between a male and a female Dzungarian hamster
how to distinguish between a male and a female Dzungarian hamster

Step 3

Now look at the area under the ponytail. In girls, the distance between the vagina and the anus is very small and not covered with fur. But the boys have a distance of about a centimeter between them and thick wool grows. Do not expect to see any distinct genitals - hamsters are too small in size to be noticeable to the naked eye. But on the abdomen of the female, two rows of nipples will clearly appear, and the belly of the stronger sex is completely flat, but you can notice a small "navel".
