Geese are kept in many personal subsidiary plots. This is because they can consume high fiber feed and the young have a high growth rate, which is not the case with other poultry species. Goslings need proper care after hatching.

Step 1
The first three weeks of life for goslings is the most crucial period. It is at this time that you need to provide them with quality food and the required microclimate. If the goslings were raised under a brood hen, then it is she who will warm the young. Usually 12-14 young birds are planted under one goose. If the goslings were hatched in an incubator, then it is necessary to keep them for the first week at a temperature of 30-32 ° C, the second at 26-28 ° C, and the third at 23-25 ° C. From the fourth week, young animals can do without heating.

Step 2
Goslings do not tolerate drafts and dampness very badly, therefore the bedding material and the room where the young animals are raised must be dry. Change the litter every day, removing soiled and damp ones. Feed the bird immediately after hatching. The first two days they are given boiled and chopped eggs, millet and oatmeal. From the third day, you can already include finely chopped greens in the diet (dandelions, nettles, clover, quinoa, feathers of garlic and onions). From the fourth day, add boiled potatoes, beets, and oilcakes soaked in water to the menu. In March and April, add yeast, vitamin herbal meal, and fish oil to the mash.

Step 3
Carrots are an excellent source of carotene; they must be given to goslings, pre-chopped in a blender or grated. In the first week, young animals need to be fed at least five times a day, in the second week, four feedings are enough, then three times. Feeders should be equipped with bumpers, five centimeters high, so that the goslings do not climb into them and trample food. It is better to put drinkers in vacuum, while the water should be fresh and clean.
Step 4
From the third week of their life, the goslings spend most of their time grazing. And already from the sixth week it is allowed to release them into reservoirs. Make sure that crows do not drag the young. Keeping goslings on the water can help reduce cannibalism and feather regrowth. On pastures, they eat a large amount of a variety of grass, so it will remain to feed them in the evening with concentrates.