How Long Do Decorative Rabbits Live?

How Long Do Decorative Rabbits Live?
How Long Do Decorative Rabbits Live?

Caring for a pet involves providing him with good living conditions, avoiding stressful situations, and a calm existence. Under these conditions, any pet can live a very long life.

How long do decorative rabbits live?
How long do decorative rabbits live?

A decorative rabbit is an animal akin to a hare, but their fur color is more varied. According to the owners of rabbits, the animals are very smart, rather clean, and it is pleasant to keep them at home.

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How long do rabbits live?

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Those who are just going to take a decorative rabbit into the house often ask the question: what is their life expectancy? Ornamental rabbits have an average lifespan of 7-8 years. Long-lived rabbits are uncommon, but long-lived. This can be called an animal that has lived for 10 years or more.

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Many people think that the lifespan of such rodents depends on the breed, but this opinion is not correct. How many years a rabbit will live will be influenced by completely different factors, and very little depends on the breed.

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How can you extend the life of a rabbit?

Heredity greatly affects how long a rabbit will live. If the rodent's parents were healthy, he has a good chance of becoming a long-liver, since he is free from inherited diseases.

Care, feeding, maintenance also have an impact on health, and therefore on the life expectancy of the animal. With the wrong attitude to feeding the rabbit, you can inadvertently ruin the gastrointestinal tract. Dwarf and decorative rabbits are much more tender than simple ones.

Any diseases, injuries during life can significantly shorten the rabbit age. Therefore, you should not risk it - you need to secure the rabbit's movement around the cage so that he cannot injure himself with an awkward jump. The rabbit must be protected from colds.

The pet's lifestyle must be maintained so that the animals can run and walk freely. The animal is quite mobile, active, it needs to move. If the rabbit is kept in a cage, it should be allowed out for a walk once or twice a day for at least an hour. Some of the owners have the opportunity to equip the animal with a spacious aviary - so much the better.

For those animals that sit a lot in cramped cages and move a little, almost do not run, problems with the gastrointestinal tract will occur much more often, obesity may begin. All this is very bad for the liver and heart of the rabbit, which will begin to hurt.

Lack of stress, manifestations of love for the animal such as stroking, scratching also greatly help to prolong its life. With good care, attentive attitude to the animal, he is able to live a long enough period for a rabbit.
