How To Keep A Manul At Home

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How To Keep A Manul At Home
How To Keep A Manul At Home

Video: How To Keep A Manul At Home

Video: How To Keep A Manul At Home

Pallas' cat is a predatory cat. Unlike domestic cats, these are wild creatures that are not adapted for living in apartments. But in the zoo, these cats live and reproduce normally, and some lovers of exotic pets have them at home.

How to keep a manul at home
How to keep a manul at home

Pallas' description

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interesting facts about manuoa

Pallas' cat is not much larger in size than a domestic cat: it weighs up to 5 kilograms, and its body length is about 65 centimeters. It looks bigger thanks to its very fluffy dense coat - this sign makes scientists think about the possible relationship of the Pallas' cat and the Persian cat. This breed of wild Pallas' cat has a specific, flat head shape and smooth body shapes in common. The color of these animals is usually light gray, sometimes with white or yellowish blotches. Pallas' cat live in the wild in Asia, Transcaucasia, China and Mongolia. The number of these animals is constantly decreasing, and the species itself is on the verge of extinction. But it is not known exactly how many Pallas' cat lives in the wild: it has a secretive nature and different habitats.

What does a manul look like?
What does a manul look like?

Pallas' cat adapts well to life in the zoo, it is easy to keep in captivity, since it does not require heat and large cages. But it reproduces in such conditions worse, and many kittens die from infectious diseases.

Pallas' cat at home

There are wild types of cats that get along quite well with humans in the same apartment: these are jungle cats, caracals, and servals. But Pallas' cat is not one of them, this small, but aggressive and quarrelsome cat is difficult to tame. He has an indomitable character and can cause a lot of problems, but still many cat lovers agree to have these animals at home. Some of them do not understand that if an animal looks like a normal cat and is not very large, it does not necessarily behave the same way. Others are ready to tame the beast for the sake of its unusual appearance.

If you are going to keep Pallas' cat at home, be prepared for possible problems. Firstly, it is an unsociable animal that shuns not only its owners, but also ordinary domestic cats, even if they nursed it. Secondly, Pallas' cat can ruin furniture, carpets, curtains, wallpaper and everything that comes across to them along the way. And thirdly, you will have to learn how to cope with their very long and thick hair - it constantly sheds and falls out in huge quantities.

Pallas' cat can have a different character, like ordinary domestic cats. If you're lucky, you can find a kitten with a temper that is quite suitable for keeping in an apartment. He will not be affectionate and sympathetic, but he will not show aggression either. In any case, it is not recommended to keep a wild animal at home - Pallas' cat needs open spaces, snowy steppes and hunting for small mammals. Keeping Pallas' cat at home is also not recommended because it is one of the most unexplored wild types of cats, and in case of illness it will be more difficult to cure.
