What Breeds Of Laying Hens Are Bred In Russia

What Breeds Of Laying Hens Are Bred In Russia
What Breeds Of Laying Hens Are Bred In Russia

The first chickens that appeared in Russia used to be called "simple", now - "Russian". But in our country, other breeds of layers are bred, which are distinguished by high egg production.

Kuchin chickens are distinguished by high egg production
Kuchin chickens are distinguished by high egg production

Breeds of layers that are bred in Russia

In Russia, the following breeds of layers are preferred: Leghorns and their crosses, White Russian, Kuchin, Roy Island, Orpington, Moscow, Poltava clay, Plymouthrock, Sussex. The most popular are Leghorns. This bird grows quickly, gains weight well, produces up to 280 eggs per year. The most common are birds with white feathers. But representatives of this breed can have brown, fawn, blue, black plumage. But it is the white layers that are most productive.

Laying hens of the Poltava clay breed are hardy, easily acclimatized, unpretentious in care. The plumage of these birds is fawn. But there are also black chickens. The best layers are obtained by crossing the Poltava clay with Leghorn roosters. These hybrids are more resistant to disease. The eggs of these hens are cream-colored.

The breed of white Russian laying hens is considered the most ancient. These chickens are distinguished by a docile nature, quick-witted, unpretentious. The egg production of hens reaches 275 eggs per year. Chickens of this breed are hardy, tolerate cold well, excellent hens. Farmers prefer to breed two breeds: Leghorn and Russian White. These birds are not so scandalous, they get along well with ducks, turkeys, geese.

Layers of the Plymouth Rock breed are the largest. They are black, white, fawn. These chickens are distinguished not only by high egg production, but also by delicious meat. Layers of the Moscow breed are notable for the beauty of their plumage: it can be multi-colored. These chickens produce large white eggs, but are shy and restless in nature. However, they tolerate frost well, are unpretentious, omnivorous.

What breed are the most egg-laying hens?

Chickens of the Kuchin Jubilee breed are distinguished by the highest egg production. She is considered the best since the days of the USSR. The breed was bred in the late 40s of the last century at the Kuchinsky breeding plant near Moscow. These layers are very viable, mortality among the young is minimal. Kuchinskaya jubilee can be bred in any climatic conditions: it is unpretentious and hardy.

The eggs of these chickens are large: 55-60 g. Egg-laying occurs almost all year round, with a short break for 2-3 weeks. Laying hens of this breed are capable of producing eggs even in unfavorable conditions: at a temperature of +2, + 3oC. It is advisable not to overfeed Kuchin chickens, otherwise their productivity will noticeably decrease. The number of males in the livestock should be minimal: one for 10-12 hens.
