How Animals Adapted To Life In The Desert

How Animals Adapted To Life In The Desert
How Animals Adapted To Life In The Desert

There are many places in the world, seemingly devoid of all conditions for life. It is these places that humanity has christened deserts. There are quite a few different deserts on planet Earth. Some of them are sultry all year round, while in others real winter comes to replace summer. Surprisingly, even in such places there is life, since Mother Nature has settled animals there.

The camel is a real ship of the desert
The camel is a real ship of the desert

Harsh desert conditions

What the camel eats
What the camel eats

Living organisms entering the desert have a hard time. The fact is that unfavorable conditions of existence make their own adjustments in life, creating a huge number of certain problems for all living things. The fact is that water in deserts is a rare pleasure, the ambient temperature is very high, and there is less and less food for animals. These are real extreme conditions.

why does the camel have a hump
why does the camel have a hump

Desert animals

Living organisms that constantly live in the desert were forced to adapt to the unbearable local conditions of existence. Evolution has ordered that local animals have developed certain properties that allow them to adapt to the unique desert climate.

For example, desert toads in the hot summer heat fall into a kind of desert suspended animation - a state of rest. That is, during hot periods, these amphibians deeply burrow into the ground and wait for the next cold snap or rain. As soon as a cold snap comes or the rain passes, the toads get out of their shelter for food and water.

Many desert animals (for example, gophers) generally constantly hide in underground shelters - in caves or burrows. They get out to the surface of the earth only at night or in the early morning. The fact is that it is at this time that it becomes more or less cool in the desert.

In addition, the unbearable conditions of existence in the desert have equipped some animals with the ability to cope with high temperatures in a peculiar way. For example, desert hares, resting in the shade, give off heat with the help of their large ears. Many desert birds (for example, owls) remove heat from the body using an open beak: saliva drips onto the body, which cools when it evaporates. By the way, birds are the easiest to endure the desert climate, since they are able to fly.

It is curious that desert animals with light fur, plumage, skin or scales absorb several times less solar ultraviolet radiation than the rest of their "fellow countrymen". One of the woolen representatives of desert inhabitants is, of course, the well-known camel.

Amazing Desert Ship

This is the nickname the camel received. And it's not in vain! This animal is the only land vehicle in the desert. The fact is that on his legs there are special pillows that allow him to easily move on the desert sand scorching by the sun. In addition, water accumulates in his stomach in an amazing way, and his hump is a real storehouse of fat, which is necessary for long journeys over long distances.
