Childbirth In Small Dog Breeds: How To Help Your Dog

Childbirth In Small Dog Breeds: How To Help Your Dog
Childbirth In Small Dog Breeds: How To Help Your Dog

All dogs need help with childbirth, especially small dogs. For everything to go smoothly, you need to prepare for this pleasant event. First of all, don't be nervous. It is better to buy a sedative at the pharmacy in advance. Especially if this is the first birth of your dog and you have not had to participate in this before.

Childbirth in small dog breeds: how to help your dog
Childbirth in small dog breeds: how to help your dog

Preparing for childbirth

You need to prepare: clean soft rags for wiping the puppies, a hand towel, sterile gauze wipes, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, bandage, cotton swabs, liquid paraffin, a heating pad, a small box for dropping the puppies during the next birth, a bowl for aftermath, sterile scissors …

At the pharmacy, you need to buy insulin syringes, oxytocin, decinone (hemostatic), calcium gluconate, sulfocamphocaine or magnesia (heart medications), do not forget a sedative for yourself.

It is imperative to prepare a delivery box with low sides. On the bottom, you can put a thick rug wrapped in waterproof diapers.

During childbirth, you should not leave the dog alone, even for a minute. You should always be ready to help her. During the contractions, the bitch will start to worry, and during the breaks she may lie down. You must make sure that she does not jump from chair to sofa or from sofa to floor!

Watch the dog's noose closely. As soon as the bubble appears, the firstborn will soon be born.

During childbirth

Under no circumstances try to break through or pull out this bubble. Observe in what position the puppies are walking. They can be born with their head and hind legs forward. If the puppy comes out with its hind legs, then it should go with its legs down.

In the event that the puppy comes out with its hind legs up, try to unfold it. To do this, lubricate with petroleum jelly, cleanly washed and disinfected, fingers, insert them into the loop and try to turn the puppy to the correct position in a clockwise direction.

If the head appears, and the dog's attempts have stopped, stroke the dog on the belly with strong but gentle movements in the direction from the ribs to the pelvis. This should provoke a new push.

If the pushing stops, and the puppy is stuck halfway, coming out with its hind legs forward, your help is needed. To do this, you need to take a gauze napkin, wrap the back of the puppy and wiggle it with a twisting motion in a spiral, clockwise and towards yourself. Don't pull the puppy, just wiggle it! This should provoke a push.

If this does not help, then massage the abdomen and, waiting for a push, carefully pull the puppy. Never pull the puppy without pushing, as this can cause multiple ruptures of the uterus.

When the puppy is born, he needs to cut off the umbilical cord at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the puppy's belly, treat it with hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Rub the puppy with a soft cloth, he should squeak. Give the baby to the mother immediately. Help him pick up the nipple if he can't.

As soon as the next attempts have begun, the puppies that are born must be put in a separate box and closed so that they do not freeze. On the first day, the temperature in their nest should be at least 28 ° C.

After childbirth

If after childbirth the bitch has scarlet, and not brown blood, then there are ruptures and you need to make a hemostatic injection of decinone. 0.2 cubic meters is enough.

When all the puppies are born, count the number of successions. There should be as many as there are puppies. If you are still sure that one or more successions did not work, wait a few hours.

If all remains unchanged, inject 0.2-0.3 cc oxytocin. If this does not help, and the bitch has greenish discharge, urgently call a doctor!

Measure the temperature on the first day after childbirth. The norm is up to 39 degrees. If the temperature rises, there is no appetite, and atypical greenish or purulent discharge is observed, be sure to call a doctor. Delay can cost the dog his life.

If the dog eats willingly and is in a good mood, then the birth was successful and there is no need to worry.