Before you get a turtle, a waterfowl or a land turtle, as a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of keeping - an animal that is rather unpretentious at first glance needs careful care.

It is necessary
Turtle, terrarium
Step 1
To have a turtle, and its life was comfortable and long, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend both time and money, as well as allocate a certain part of your apartment for the place in which the terrarium will be located. Unfortunately, land or waterfowl turtles are often purchased as toys for children who are not able to provide the animal with everything it needs. As a result, many turtles face painful death from hunger or cold, if older family members do not intervene in time. Therefore, as a four-legged friend for a child, it is better to opt for other animals.

Step 2
A terrarium is needed to keep the turtles at home. Currently, in specialized stores, you can buy various models - glass, wood or other materials. Under no circumstances should turtles be kept on the floor - this can lead to the death of a pet or a number of various and dangerous diseases, especially in cold climates. The temperature in the terrarium should be between +28 and +30 degrees. It is highly undesirable to keep several turtles of different species in the same terrarium.

Step 3
Land turtles need to be bathed periodically by washing them with a soft sponge. The water temperature, according to experts, should be at least +30 degrees. Water can reach the level of the turtle's neck, the main thing is that it in no case could get into the eyes, ears and mouth of the animal. A clean turtle should be wiped clean and made sure that it is not placed in a draft. Bathing turtles 3-4 times a month is usually sufficient.

Step 4
Land turtle owners need to check their pet's claws and beak from time to time - if they look too grown, and the turtle is uncomfortable and cannot eat and move normally, you should contact your veterinarian. The specialist will be able to properly trim the claws and beak, as well as check the condition of the shell. Usually, no care of the shell is required, only during molting it is better to lubricate it with a special cream. The product is sold in pet stores.