Every happy owner of a cat at least once in his life had to take his pet out of the house, at least for an appointment with a veterinarian or for a walk. It is not difficult to cope with an animal for a couple of hours, much more difficult if a long journey is ahead.

Transportation of cats by personal transport
It is advisable to prepare the animal in advance for a long journey. If the transportation is carried out by personal transport, the cat should be allowed to walk freely around the cabin, sniff the territory, but in no case be forced into it. You can try to carry it after the animal ceases to be afraid of the engine noise and for the first time for a short time, the trip time increases gradually.
Safety precautions. cats in a car must be transported in a carrier, even if the pet is calm, it is impossible to predict how the cat will behave in an emergency. The dimensions of the carrier should allow the animal to stand up and turn freely, there should be no sharp corners, and it also needs to be taught to it in advance.
On the day of the trip, a harness is put on the animal, and only then you can put the pet in the carrier, the leash must be tied to the handle so that the cat does not give a tear at the bus stop. During stops, the pet should be given the opportunity to warm up, not to feed or drink for 6 hours, both before the trip and during. In severe cases, a mild sedative (to be selected by a veterinarian) can be started a few days before the trip.
Transportation of cats by train and plane
To transport an animal by train and plane, you need to start preparing long before buying tickets. First, the animal is taken to the state veterinary clinic to obtain an international passport, where the necessary vaccinations are made. You need to know in advance what vaccinations are required to be imported into a specific country. It may also require the installation of a chip. In the same state veterinary clinic, a certificate of the cat's health is issued (valid for five days), at the airport it will be exchanged for an international veterinary certificate. On the way back, you also need to take a certificate from the local state veterinary clinic about the health of the animal.
In advance, you need to obtain permission from the airline to transport the animal and find out the necessary conditions for transportation. It is impossible to feed the cat with sedatives before the flight, in combination with the pressure drop during climb, it can cause death. It is better to cover the carrier with a dark dense cloth, but so as not to block the air, the cat will panic less. The bedding or disposable diapers should be laid out so that the pet does not chew on them. The animal cannot be fed and watered all the time of the trip and 6 hours before it.
When traveling by train, the documents are collected the same as for air travel, a baggage receipt is purchased. At the same time, a pet cannot be transported in luxury cars and CB. Cats, like other animals, are transported in compartment carriages, while all the seats are redeemed and 20 kg of baggage per animal are paid for and a note is made on the receipt ("baggage in the passenger's hands").