Probably, each of us has a memory from childhood, when, with the onset of spring, we found a small creature that looked like a lizard on the street and brought it home. At home, they put in a jar and tried to feed it with fresh grass, but, despite all these worries, the newt lived in the bank for a maximum of several weeks. So that this sad story does not repeat itself with your children, it is better to let go of the newt brought from the street, and find a replacement for it in the pet store. Providing the newt with a long life at home will not be difficult at all, you just need to follow a few basic recommendations.

Step 1
First, find a home for your future pet. Typically, newts are kept in glass aquariums or terrariums. The size of the aquarium should be selected according to the number of newts that you intend to settle there, as well as taking into account the length of the adult newts. Based on the fact that newts reach an average of 15-20 centimeters in length, an aquarium of 30-40 liters will be enough for 1-2 individuals.

Step 2
An aquarium or terrarium for a newt must be equipped with a cover with a lamp and a pump to filter the water. If you are going to contain exclusively newts, you will not need a thermostat, because these amphibians tolerate cold well (up to 10-15 degrees). Then fill the aquarium with water, but only halfway. Plant the plants and provide a “shore” for the newt, where it can come out of the water as needed. The optimal amount of water for one newt is 10-15 liters.

Step 3
Feeding newts is also a fairly straightforward process. It is recommended to feed young individuals once a day, adults - every other day. In addition, it will not be superfluous to arrange "fasting" days for adult newts: 3-5 days without feeding once a month. As food, it is recommended to use both live food (larvae, tadpoles, earthworms, bloodworms, etc.), and special food for newts bought in a pet store.

Step 4
Newts deserve special attention, which are kept in the same aquarium with fish. Their owners should pay attention to the following points.
First, for the newt it is still necessary to organize the possibility of going ashore.
Secondly, if the fish are much larger than the newt, they can cause mechanical damage to it, and this process needs to be controlled.
And, finally, you need to settle the newt with fish that live in cool enough water, because Amphibians do not like overheating. As you can see, just a little effort, and a funny exotic animal will settle in your house.