Sumatran barbs are the most common aquarium fish among all representatives of their genus at the present time. These aquarium pets are distinguished by their funny behavior and attractive appearance.

Who are Sumatran barbs?
These are popular aquarium fish from the genus of barbs. Their second name is Sumatran Puntius. In nature, these creatures live in the reservoirs of the islands of Kalimantan, Sumatra, they can be found in the basins of the Malacca Peninsula in Southeast Asia, as well as in Thailand. Sumatran barbs are very active fish with a lifespan of about four years. A distinctive feature of these creatures is the ability to exist indefinitely. To avoid unpleasant consequences, food should be given to barbs in small portions.
In nature, the size of Sumatran barbs reaches seven centimeters in length, but in an aquarium, these creatures can grow only up to four centimeters. Barbs are characterized by a golden body flattened from the sides. Several black vertical stripes are visible on the fish. The dorsal fin of barbs is charcoal black with bright red edging. The rest of the fins in males are red, while in females they are pale pinkish.
Sumatran barbs. Breeding
These fish reach sexual maturity by the seventh month of their life. It is noteworthy that they can spawn in a common aquarium. Nevertheless, it is advisable to breed Sumatran barbs in a separate aquarium specially designated for this purpose. Otherwise, the eggs and fry will be eaten by other fish. At the bottom of the spawning aquarium, it is necessary to lay small-leaved plants, carefully pressing them with a special separator mesh. The water temperature is brought to 28 ° C.
One month before the start of spawning, males and females are seated in different containers and begin to give them live food. It is important to avoid overeating in barbs! After a while, the fish ready for spawning are transplanted into a pre-prepared aquarium. If you do this in the evening, then spawning will begin in the morning, which will last about three hours. At the end of spawning, the parents must be immediately removed from the aquarium, otherwise they will begin to feast on their own offspring.
Egg spawning begins two days after spawning. On the fourth day, fry emerge from the eggs. From the very first days they eat independently and actively. It is worth noting that babies grow unevenly: while some grow in size, others are in their shadow. This is fraught with the death of the latter, since the largest individuals can feast on their brothers and sisters. To prevent this, the fry must be constantly sorted.