How To Deal With Dachshund Allergies

How To Deal With Dachshund Allergies
How To Deal With Dachshund Allergies

Dachshund dogs themselves are very allergens. Most often, they are allergic to chicken and pork meat, to canine canned food with this meat, to fatty fish, to economy class food, to red vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, sometimes carrots), to dairy products, and, of course, for sweets. Allergy can be not only to food, but also to plants blooming in spring, their pollen; on the ground your dog is digging in for a walk; on the water in the forest river, in which you swam together in the summer; on fleas and ticks.

How to deal with dachshund allergies
How to deal with dachshund allergies

Allergy symptoms:

  • The dachshund starts scratching his ears. They turn red inside, red acne may appear. The dachshund may develop otitis media, in which the ears begin to leak, fester and smell unpleasant.
  • The skin on the belly and in the armpits begins to peel off, the dog often combes these places until it bleeds.
  • Blisters appear between the pads of the pet's paws, which the dog chews hard.
  • The eyes begin to watery or fester. Conjunctivitis appears.
  • With severe allergic reactions, Quincke's edema may occur, in which the dog's face and neck swell.

If the dog has a food allergy, then you will have to transfer it to high quality hypoallergenic dry food. In addition to dry food, be sure to give water.

If you feed your dog only natural food and do not want to switch to a balanced ready-made food, then adjust the pet's diet. Remove chicken from the dachshund's diet forever. This is perhaps the main allergen. Swap it for lean beef or rabbit. Stop feeding tomatoes and oranges. Don't give sweets. Food allergies in dogs can only be ruled out using the “poke” method. Cook your dachshund for several days only rice or buckwheat porridge in water, adding a little vegetable oil there. Perhaps the dog will not be happy with such a change in diet, but, when hungry, he will eat it. Just be patient: you do not starve the dachshund, you improve its health. After all the signs of allergies have disappeared, start adding other foods to the porridge. Check each new ingredient throughout the week. This will help you build a list of foods your dog can eat. This treatment is quite long, but it is necessary for the health of your dachshund.

For non-food allergies, the symptoms are similar to food allergies. In this case, it is advisable to contact your veterinarian and take the necessary tests for allergens. For allergic reactions, antihistamines are usually prescribed to relieve itching and irritation. The neglected areas of the skin with allergies should be treated with anti-inflammatory ointments so that they do not start to rot. With Quincke's edema, the dog may choke and swell, in which case it is better not to delay the trip to the doctor.

Dachshund allergies will never be completely cured, so treatment should be done from time to time. Allergy is not a sentence, if you notice it and eliminate it in time, then your pet will delight you all its life.