How To Get Rid Of An Ear Mite

How To Get Rid Of An Ear Mite
How To Get Rid Of An Ear Mite

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Otodectosis, or ear mites, occurs in carnivores and is never transmitted to humans. The first symptoms of ear scabies are anxiety of the animal, severe scratching of the auricle and dark crusts inside the ear. At the first signs of illness, it is necessary to undergo an immediate examination in a veterinary clinic and begin a long course of therapy.

How to get rid of an ear mite
How to get rid of an ear mite

It is necessary

  • - examination of the animal;
  • - drugs prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • - processing of the premises throughout the entire course of treatment.


Step 1

If measures are not taken in time, otitis media of the inner ear may appear and the animal will become deaf. At the veterinarian's appointment, you will be prescribed a scraping, cytology. Based on the examination, treatment will be prescribed. It is imperative to examine the animal, since there can be several types of ticks and general purposes for all animals will be ineffective.

Step 2

Symptoms of infection can appear not only in an adult cat or a dog, but also in small kittens and puppies, since the disease is very contagious and is instantly transmitted from a nursing mother.

Step 3

Modern drugs for the treatment of ticks are effective, safe, help to destroy not only the tick itself, but also the eggs. Therefore, the course of treatment was reduced in comparison with the use of drugs of the old generation, which did not work on the eggs, and it was necessary to continue long-term therapy.

Step 4

Your animal may be prescribed Ear Mite drops, leopard, decta, dikrezil, deternol, tsipam, dana, fipronil, otovedam, otoferanol, otokan, hexa talp, otibiovin, nicochloran.

Step 5

Flush your ear canals with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine before dripping any prescribed drops. Thoroughly wipe the entire ear with a cotton pad, remove crusts and creeping out ticks, drip the drops, hold the animal so that they flow, wipe the ears with a new disc.

Step 6

After one hour, lubricate the outer ear with any acaricidal ointments: sulfuric, sulfur-tar, Konkov, Wilkenson's ointment or others. Before using any means, carefully read the annotation.

Step 7

The modern drug tresaderm allows you to cure a tick completely in 14 days. Ivomek is given as drops or injections, but some animals cannot tolerate it.

Step 8

If you have several animals, then treat everyone at the same time, regardless of whether there are manifestations of the disease or not. In addition to the main treatment, dehilment and apply flea drops to the withers. Treat all bedding, flooring with chlorine solution. Treat habitats several times a day throughout the course of therapy.
