Enteritis is a dangerous disease caused by parvovirus, which is highly resistant to physical and chemical influences. It was first discovered only in 1978, but has now spread almost all over the world, affecting mainly puppies and young dogs. It proceeds in an acute form and is accompanied by dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis
Neither age nor breed of a dog is a guarantee that it will not be able to get sick with enteritis. This virus spreads almost unhindered - through the secretions of infected animals and the objects they use. Therefore, if there are cases of illness in your area, closely monitor your four-legged friend and notice any changes in his behavior.

The first symptoms of the disease include refusal to eat and sometimes a slight increase in temperature up to 40 ° C, while outwardly the dog looks healthy. In the following days, general weakness is observed, accompanied by vomiting - at first it is light yellow watery discharge, then mucous membranes with or without blood.

Diarrhea begins, initially the feces have a yellowish-gray color, then, due to the admixture of blood, black. The diarrhea may end and constipation may begin. The dog does not keep on its paws, is in a supine position, stretches its limbs, can moan from pains inside the abdomen.

A sharp weight loss and dehydration begins, frequent shortness of breath, interruptions in the work of the heart, myocarditis appear. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, complications begin, and then the inevitable death of the animal. Enteritis proceeds quickly - puppies die within 2-3 days, adult dogs can last up to 5 days.

Treatment of parvovirus enteritis in a dog
The only way to save your dog is to start treatment as soon as possible. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical signs - vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, virological studies are carried out to confirm. After the diagnosis is made, a heterologous immune serum is injected subcutaneously - 40 ml. Penicillin is injected intravenously - 500 thousand units / m, 40% glucose solution - 20 ml, as well as 5 ml of borglukal and urotropin, 2 ml of vitamin B1 solution. In 50 ml of potassium permanganate, diluted 1: 1000, powders are dissolved: potassium-aluminum alum - 0.1 g, biomycin - 0.5 g, sulgin - 0.1 g, vitamins B1 and B2 each 0.01 g, and vitamin From - to 0.2 g. This mixture should be given twice a day.

To relieve pain, it is necessary to give "No-shpa" 2 ml daily. If vomiting continues, it is necessary to dilute 4 drops of 5% iodine tincture in a tablespoon of boiled water and give to the dog in case of an attack. If there are characteristic signs of dehydration, intravenous droppers are needed - hydrolysin, 250 ml. To stabilize the stool, make warm enemas with a solution of potassium permanganate. To maintain the work of the heart, camphor oil is prescribed, 2 ml once a day.
The dog also needs dietary food - rice porridge with milk, acidophilus, raw beef.