Are Cats Vaccinated Against Toxoplasmosis?

Are Cats Vaccinated Against Toxoplasmosis?
Are Cats Vaccinated Against Toxoplasmosis?

Pets, including cats, become close and beloved creatures for people, almost family members. The owners really want to protect their pets from various dangers, including diseases.

Contact with rodents is one of the ways cats get infected with toxoplasmosis
Contact with rodents is one of the ways cats get infected with toxoplasmosis

One of the diseases that cats are prone to is toxoplasmosis. The causative agent is an intracellular parasite - Toxoplasma, a representative of the kingdom of the simplest. This disease threatens not only cats, but also dogs, rodents, and rabbits. A person is also subject to it. Toxoplasmosis is especially dangerous for pregnant women, it leads to malformations and even fetal death, and this is another reason to take care of protecting your pet from this disease.

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Symptoms of toxoplasmosis in cats

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In some cases, the disease in a cat is latent, i.e. does not manifest itself at all, but the pathogen is already excreted into the environment with feces. If there is a possibility that the cat may have contracted toxoplasmosis, you should contact your veterinarian for an appropriate test.

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The acute form is manifested by vomiting, convulsions, high fever, insufficient cardiac activity. Sometimes there is also eye damage in the form of conjunctivitis.

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If the acute form of toxoplasmosis does not lead to the death of the cat, the disease can become chronic. It is characterized by a slight increase in temperature, exhaustion, depression, loss of appetite, paralysis of the limbs. If the cat becomes pregnant, the kittens will be born either dead or not viable, with various congenital deformities.

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It is very difficult to treat toxoplasmosis, because intracellular parasites are almost inaccessible to drugs. The most that can be done with the help of drugs is to relieve symptoms, to stop the multiplication of parasites and their release into the environment. At the same time, the cat will feel good, will cease to be a source of infection, but in case of a decrease in immunity, the disease may reappear. Toxoplasmosis is easier to prevent than cure.

Prevention of toxoplasmosis

Unfortunately, there are no vaccinations for toxoplasmosis. There are other ways to prevent a cat from getting this disease.

One of the ways of infection is by eating rodents or even contact with them. The cat should not be allowed to catch mice. It is better not to let her out at all unattended if the sanitary condition of city streets and basements leaves much to be desired. If the cat is still allowed to walk, you need to wear a collar with a bell, the sound of which will scare away mice. However, such measures will not protect the cat from contact with stray animals, which can also be infected with toxoplasmosis.

Toxoplasma cysts can be found in meat, so you cannot feed a cat with raw meat, it must be cooked.

If the cat has nevertheless become infected with toxoplasmosis, it is necessary to urgently contact the veterinarian and strictly adhere to his instructions. Treatment can be long, and it is impossible to stop it before the appointed time, even if the animal's condition has improved. During treatment, it is necessary to isolate the cat from other pets, if they are in the house, not to allow children to play with it.

The cat's stool must be cleaned up immediately. Toxoplasma cysts become dangerous after maturation in the air. The litter box and cat bowl should be washed daily, and then hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water.

If there is a pregnant woman in the house, it is better to give the cat for the period of treatment to someone who can take care of her. If this is not possible, the pregnant woman should be completely removed from caring for the cat.
