How To Cure A Cat

How To Cure A Cat
How To Cure A Cat

Table of contents:


Every cat owner should know the most common symptoms of feline diseases and a few rules for a cat "first aid".

Age 2-4 months is the most vulnerable to disease
Age 2-4 months is the most vulnerable to disease

It is necessary

Cat first aid kit. Probiotics. Vitamins and supplements (such as sulfur). Immunostimulant (as recommended by a veterinarian). Antiviral drug. Drops for rinsing the nose and eyes. Antiparasitic drugs. Powder for treating open wounds. Syringes


Step 1

Don't waste time! A person can bring a viral infection literally on the soles of outdoor shoes. The disease can be sluggish, "blurry", or it can develop rapidly, when the animal "burns out" in just a day. On average, the latent period of the disease lasts 3-5 days. After the disease has manifested itself, treatment should be started on the very first day. Cats metabolism many times faster than humans. Leaving an animal with panleukopenia to "lie down" for a couple of days is like leaving a person sick with typhoid for a week or two. Every cat owner should have a business card with a veterinarian's mobile phone. Better not alone.

how to treat a cat
how to treat a cat

Step 2

Keep a feline ambulance first aid kit. To prevent the animal from clogging the stomach with wool, it is regularly given malt paste or probiotics. The latter can be in the form of a powder or tablets - yogurt starters (the tablets are thrown into a glass of low-fat milk and placed in a dark, warm place for 12 hours). Periodically, you need to chase parasites: worms, ear mites and fleas. It is impossible to give anthelmintic drugs to a weakened or recently ill animal.

to heal a wound of a cat's eye
to heal a wound of a cat's eye

Step 3

Learn to give injections. This can actually save the life of the animal, but it must be understood that an amateur enthusiast can do more harm than good. Therefore, veterinarians advise beginners or people not related to medicine to keep at home the most harmless and at the same time professional drugs - "Fosprenil" (antiviral, natural) and "Gamavit" (immunostimulant plus B vitamins, which is especially important in the case of panleukopenia). In case of a viral infection, if it is not possible to immediately call a veterinarian, 1-2 ml of Fosprenil and 1-2 ml of Gamavit are made under the withers of the cat. The drugs can be done at the same time, but not at one point. As a last resort, they can be fed to the animal, the dosage is written in the instructions. Eyes and nose are washed with "Phosprenil".

how to wash a kitten's eye with chamomile
how to wash a kitten's eye with chamomile

Step 4

If the animal has swallowed a foreign object (bone, string, paper, gum), it is worth transferring its broth, sour milk, you can give sunflower or olive oil. Do not give dry food or solid food. And in no case should you independently pull out an elastic band or string from the anus or give the cat an enema! The intestines can be severely damaged. It is important to remember that the best treatment is prevention!
