What Vaccinations Are Given To Kittens

What Vaccinations Are Given To Kittens
What Vaccinations Are Given To Kittens

A kitten has appeared in your house, still quite small. It is very important to take care of him correctly, to feed him with the most useful food for him. You should also make sure that your pet gets all the necessary vaccinations on time.

What vaccinations are given to kittens
What vaccinations are given to kittens

The kitten should be vaccinated so that its body becomes stronger and can subsequently fight viruses on its own. If the kitten's mother was vaccinated, it can be vaccinated from three months, otherwise - from two months.

Before vaccinating a kitten, you need to make sure that it is completely healthy and does not have worms. 10 days before the first vaccination, give the baby a drug for worms, and on the day of vaccination, make sure that he has a normal temperature, and there are no visible signs of illness. Whether an animal has itchy ears, diarrhea, or, say, discharge from the nose or eyes, getting vaccinated can greatly worsen the condition.

The very first vaccination protects the animal against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and calcivirosis, its name is Nobivac Tricat. Revaccination with the same drug is carried out two weeks later, after which the kitten develops immunity. Lethargy, drowsiness and refusal to eat within 6-8 hours after vaccination is a very likely reaction of the body. This is normal, but you should not leave your pet without attention. Such vaccinations must then be carried out annually.

Veterinary clinics in Russia offer a number of complex vaccines, both domestic and imported, and vaccination with them, as a rule, takes place in several stages. The first vaccination is given at 3 months, the second - 3-4 weeks after the first, the third - after the change of milk teeth (this is about 6-7 months), the fourth - at 1 year. In addition to complex vaccinations, there is a vaccination against ringworm. Do it twice with an interval of 10-14 days.
