Dandruff can occur not only in humans, but also in animals. Dogs are no exception in this regard, since they have almost no sweat glands, and skin regeneration is ongoing. But in a healthy dog this is practically not noticeable, but if the process of skin dying off began to occur faster, the entire undercoat is literally covered with white scales, this is dandruff. It is necessary to fight it, because the appearance of dandruff may indicate that not everything is safe in the dog's body.

It is necessary
Soft brush; - Moisturizing cream for skin and wool; - Vitamin complex
Step 1
Dandruff can be caused by many factors, including diseases such as parasites, hormonal imbalances, various liver diseases, allergies, fungus, eczema, and so on. Improper diet, poor grooming, and even stress can also be the cause. Therefore, it is highly desirable to show the dog to the veterinarian, he will identify the problem and prescribe treatment. After the underlying disease is cured, dandruff usually disappears, but sometimes additional care is required for some time; it will also help if the reason is cosmetic.

Step 2
For most cases of dandruff in dogs, a home remedy such as daily brushing with a soft brush is a great help. This simple massage increases blood flow to the skin, making it firmer and healthier. To enhance the effect, apply any moisturizer for skin and coat to the comb. But the dog should be washed during this period no more than 1-2 times a month. Do not use anti-dandruff products made for humans, as this will only dry out your dog's delicate skin.

Step 3
Dandruff problems are often caused by poor nutrition, especially the preservatives and chemical additives found in dry animal feed. Try to give your pet more meat and vegetables, pick up a good vitamin complex. This will not only help get rid of dandruff, but also improve the overall health of the animal.

Step 4
Dogs can develop dandruff as a result of severe stress. In this case, the wool becomes covered with a white bloom literally before our eyes, and sometimes it also begins to fall out. But when the stress wears off, health also quickly bounces back. A quick recovery is guaranteed even if dandruff is caused by dry air during the heating season. A humidifier and special moisturizers will help.