It is believed that if the cat does not leave the house, then it does not need to be vaccinated. This is not true. The risk of catching the virus from the animal is in this case too. However, don't panic. You can get rid of parvovirus enteritis (panleukopenia) even with an unvaccinated cat, the main thing is to seek medical help in time.

The risk of contracting the virus, which in some cases leads to death, is higher in unvaccinated cats than in vaccinated ones. The fact that it is necessary to timely do all the vaccinations to animals, breeders must warn future owners. However, these words are not always given meaning. In most cases, the owners are guided by the fact that the cat is at home, does not go outside, which means that it is not necessary to vaccinate it.
You can bring enteritis, one of the insidious diseases, on street shoes. For this reason, if there is an unvaccinated cat in the house, the owners should, upon entering the house, be sure to wash the soles of their shoes daily and remove them away from the pet. But these measures do not always save.
It is possible to understand that the animal is still ill by external signs. The cat refuses to eat and drink, does not feel well, lies more than plays. Often, ailments are accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. If the animal shows these signs, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. It is best to call a doctor at home, because in the clinic an unvaccinated animal can pick up some other disease.
At this stage, even if the disease still exists, it is possible to cope with it. First of all, it is worth preventing dehydration, as this process develops rapidly in cats. For this, special saline solutions are used. An unvaccinated animal is additionally injected with serum, which helps to cope with the disease. In addition, general clinical and biochemical blood tests are required, in which special attention should be paid to the leukocyte count. On the lower border in cats, it is 5.5.
If the cat's condition worsens, the veterinarian will most likely recommend leaving it in the hospital. In a clinic, the animal will receive the required amount of drugs, which are administered using droppers or injections. At this stage, an express test for parvovirus enteritis is performed. If it is positive, it makes sense to identify the virus in more detail. Results come in about 7-9 days. During this time, the animal will be treated with antibiotic immunity-supporting therapy. If necessary, parenteral nutrition will be connected. Thus, by timely seeking help from specialists, without waiting for the deterioration of the cat's condition, even an unvaccinated animal can be saved from panleukopenia.