How To Cure An Animal Of Allergies

How To Cure An Animal Of Allergies
How To Cure An Animal Of Allergies

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Allergy is the body's reaction to an allergen. In the modern world, animal allergies are not less common than in humans. One third of animals suffer from allergies.

How to cure an animal of allergies
How to cure an animal of allergies

Often in animals, the following substances cause an allergic reaction: the secret of bites of blood-sucking insects, pollen, mold, house dust. Medicinal preparations. Household chemicals, chlorine-containing solutions. Elements of the epidermis: skin, hair, dandruff, wool. Various food products: meat, milk, dry food.


The manifestation of the reaction is as follows: swelling of the skin, mucous membranes, redness of open skin areas, itching, sneezing, rash. The most common allergic reactions to flea and tick bites.

Allergy to the environment manifests itself in the spring season, during the flowering phase of plants. Signs of allergy are redness and mucous discharge from the eyes, conjunctivitis.

A large percentage of animal allergies is a reaction to protein found in food. There is a reaction to some food components, proteins (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products). For the first time, allergies have been reported in puppies and adult animals. The manifestation of the reaction is varied: redness on the face, paws, ears, itching, coughing and sneezing.


Before starting treatment for an animal, you need to know which component you are allergic to. To find out which foods you are allergic to, you need to contact a veterinary clinic, where they will be diagnosed for allergens.

Eliminate all suspicious foods from the dog's diet. The animal can eat a hypoallergenic diet. Specialized feed or natural food are equally suitable for feeding.

To treat food allergies, a special dietary diet is required, including new foods that the animal has not previously eaten. Treatment can last up to 10 weeks. The composition of veterinary feed includes wild meat and cereals.

For any allergy, symptomatic treatment is carried out. Antihistamines are included in the base. Cardiac remedies and vitamins are prescribed for older animals. The owner's first-aid kit should always contain medicines for allergies: Suprastin, Zirtek, Tavegil. The use of injection forms is more effective.

All other skin-type allergic reactions must be eliminated with the help of drugs for parasites and fungal diseases.

To properly treat allergies, you should definitely consult with your veterinarian.
