Wild Animals

How To Tame A Lovebird Parrot

How To Tame A Lovebird Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Parrots usually get along well with their owners. But in their life, too, anything happens, and it may well be that the lovebird will pass from one owner to another. An adult parrot that has changed owners, like a chick just taken from a nesting house, needs time to get used to a new environment and new friends

How To Name A Wavy Boy Parrot

How To Name A Wavy Boy Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

You bought a budgerigar and are wondering what to name your new pet. First you need to find out what gender he is. If the bird is older than 3 months, then it is very easy to do this, since the color of the beak gradually changes in young parrots

How To Tell The Sex Of Budgies

How To Tell The Sex Of Budgies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Have you decided to have a budgerigar at home or are you going to make such a gift to your friends? And you are worried about a reasonable question: how to determine the sex of a parrot? After all, if you want to teach a bird to speak, then it is better to take a male, and if you already have a wavy male, then only a female will suit him

How To Find Out How Old A Budgerigar Is

How To Find Out How Old A Budgerigar Is

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Budgerigars often become favorites of both children and adults. Determining their age to molt, as a rule, does not cause serious difficulties. But to find out how old an adult bird is, you need more in-depth knowledge. Instructions Step 1 Please note that the exact age of budgerigars after the first molt, which usually occurs at 3 or 3

How To Tell A Female Canary From A Male

How To Tell A Female Canary From A Male

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Canaries are beautiful and unpretentious birds. Many people keep them as pets. Young canaries quickly get used to a person and, with proper care, delight the owners with their beautiful appearance and amazing singing. However, it should be noted that only males can sing beautifully, and females only chirp

How To Tell A Male Lovebird Parrot From A Female

How To Tell A Male Lovebird Parrot From A Female

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Lovebird parrots attract birdwatchers with their appearance and behavior: the female and the male mate only once and remain faithful to each other throughout their lives. In addition, visually they are quite similar, so those who want to get offspring often have questions about determining the sex characteristics of a female and a male

How To Distinguish Lovebird Parrots

How To Distinguish Lovebird Parrots

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When breeding any species of parrots, it is always very difficult to determine their gender. While some develop differences in color or body shape over time, others may be almost identical. This is exactly the case with lovebird parrots, which are difficult to distinguish by sex for a novice bird watcher

How To Tell A Canary From A Canary

How To Tell A Canary From A Canary

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Domestic canaries are popular primarily for their wonderful singing. Trained birds are capable of delivering virtuoso passages, striking with their range. As a rule, only males - kenars, have such abilities, while females try their voice extremely rarely and do not achieve significant success in vocals

How To Teach A Parrot To Sit On Your Hand

How To Teach A Parrot To Sit On Your Hand

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If the owner of the parrot is faced with the task of how to accustom him to his hands, then this will not be difficult. Parrots are sociable birds, they are bored of sitting alone in a cage, and, sooner or later, even the most stubborn or fearful parrot will make contact

How To Teach A Cockatiel Parrot To Talk

How To Teach A Cockatiel Parrot To Talk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you have a parrot in your house, you probably want to teach him how to talk. In the case of a bird of the Corella breed, this task is quite simple, because such parrots are considered capable. And more words are remembered by males of cockatiels, females are also quite talented in this regard

How To Trim A Parrot's Beak

How To Trim A Parrot's Beak

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Parrots have long and firmly taken the place of the most popular pets. It is easy to take care of them, these birds live long and delight the owners with cheerful chirping and bright plumage. In addition, the vocal apparatus of pets allows you to teach them the pronunciation of various words

How To Wash Budgies

How To Wash Budgies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Every owner of budgies sooner or later wonders if they need to be washed. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, but you simply must provide such an opportunity to the parrot. Instructions Step 1 Never try to wash your parrot forcibly

How To Train A Budgerigar To Hand

How To Train A Budgerigar To Hand

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

All budgerigar owners want to see them as more of a friend than just a beautiful decoration in their apartment. For this smart bird to make contact, you need to make some effort. After the purchase, the budgerigar is confused and scared, finding himself in an unfamiliar place

How To Sew A Blanket For A Cat

How To Sew A Blanket For A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The blanket is designed to protect the animal from the cold. This does not exclude the fact that it can be both beautiful and comfortable. The blanket does not restrict your pet in movements, does not constrain the gait. It should protect the cat's back, abdomen and chest

How To Determine The Age And Gender Of Parrots

How To Determine The Age And Gender Of Parrots

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is not so important whether you are planning to seriously engage in breeding parrots, are looking for a pair for an existing parrot, or if you want your pet to surprise guests with conversations in the future. Sometimes the problem of choosing a parrot of a particular sex and age becomes quite serious

How To Find Out The Sex Of A Budgerigar

How To Find Out The Sex Of A Budgerigar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Distinguishing parrots by color, size and shape will not work, the colors may be different, and the sizes too. The main difference between birds is wax, by which parrots should be distinguished by gender. You can also find out the approximate age of the bird

How To Teach A Lovebird To Speak

How To Teach A Lovebird To Speak

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Parrots are rightly considered the only speaking representatives of the animal world, and that is why a variety of people are happy to have parrots of different breeds as pets. While some birds easily learn the pronunciation of words, it is not so easy to teach others to speak

How To Train Your Necklace Parrot

How To Train Your Necklace Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Due to their beauty, necklace parrots have become very popular among bird lovers. These birds got their name for the black and pink stripe that wraps around their neck. Necklace parrots are also remarkable for their onomatopoeic ability: they easily memorize various words and sounds

How To Tell Lovebirds By Gender

How To Tell Lovebirds By Gender

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cheerful curious lovebirds feel great in city apartments. They are not particularly moody, very interesting to observe, and extremely sociable. But they do better and live in pairs longer. At the same time, males and males outwardly practically do not differ from each other

How To Teach A Budgerigar To Sit On Your Hand

How To Teach A Budgerigar To Sit On Your Hand

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The budgerigar is an active, intelligent, but also very vulnerable pet, the taming process of which can give you a lot of pleasure. It is not for nothing that these birds live in large flocks - they need communication like air. And if there are no other birds nearby, he will gladly "

How To Teach A Budgerigar To Talk

How To Teach A Budgerigar To Talk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Budgerigar owners can also boast of a talkative pet on a par with the owners of cockatoos or grays. Despite the fact that it is more difficult to teach a budgerigar to speak, you can achieve success if you know a few subtleties of this matter

How To Determine The Age Of A Corella Parrot

How To Determine The Age Of A Corella Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Both old and young cockatiels, or nymphs, as these parrots are called in Russia, are of the same size. Therefore, to determine the age of these birds, ornithologists advise to pay attention not to growth, but to behavior, color of feathers and eyes, as well as to the entire appearance of the parrot as a whole

How To Tell A Female From A Male Zebrafish

How To Tell A Female From A Male Zebrafish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Danio rerio is a wonderful aquarium fish, unpretentious in content and completely peaceful. These fish are ideal for beginner hobbyists, but many experienced breeders choose to keep them in their tanks to maintain species diversity. Such a fish is always pleasing to the eye and does not cause any trouble

How To Get Rid Of Greenery In An Aquarium

How To Get Rid Of Greenery In An Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A beautiful aquarium is a real decoration for any apartment. But if you do not take care of him or violate the biological balance in him by inept actions, all beauty disappears. Glasses are overgrown, water can turn green from the rapid development of unicellular algae

How To Determine The Pregnancy Of Mollies

How To Determine The Pregnancy Of Mollies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Aquarium fish cheer up and create coziness in the house. Mollies belong to viviparous fish, which means that they produce fry at once, and not eggs. There are several different types of mollies and in order to get healthy offspring from them, you must adhere to certain rules

How To Tell The Gender Of Goldfish

How To Tell The Gender Of Goldfish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

There is a misconception that goldfish are easy to care for. In fact, they are very demanding, and when breeding them, many nuances arise. But, having learned to overcome difficulties, most owners think about breeding their aquarium pets. If in many species of aquarium fish it is quite simple to distinguish a female from a male (in color, size), then the situation is different with goldfish

How To Determine The Sex Of A Catfish

How To Determine The Sex Of A Catfish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A flattened body, elongated lips with suction cups, skin outgrowths - "mustaches", bright colors - all these are signs of ancistrus, popular inhabitants of modern aquariums. These chain-mail catfish not only decorate the artificial reservoir, but also cleanse it of excess algae

How To Tell The Difference Between Male And Female Guppies

How To Tell The Difference Between Male And Female Guppies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

One of the most common representatives of viviparous fish is the guppy. Now they are often kept in aquariums, but originally guppies are "wild" freshwater fish of the tropics, named after the English priest and scientist Robert John Lemcher Guppy in the late 19th century

How To Feed A Cockerel Fish

How To Feed A Cockerel Fish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Watching the fish in the aquarium is very exciting. The inhabitants of the underwater world are so diverse! The cocktail fish is attractive for its bright color and shape of its fins. If you decide to keep this in the aquarium, you should learn about its gastronomic predilections

How To Care For Goldfish

How To Care For Goldfish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Chinese and Japanese breeders have bred several famous species of goldfish. Some people think that it is very easy to take care of them due to their great popularity. Sometimes a person can simply be given a goldfish for some merit or simply as an innocent gift, which will inevitably prompt a person to think about how to care for goldfish so that they live well in his aquarium

How To Determine The Gender Of A Parrot Fish

How To Determine The Gender Of A Parrot Fish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The parrot fish is a popular inhabitant of home aquariums, which gets its name from the fact that its front part of the head with a sloping forehead and a small mouth resembles a parrot's beak. These fish are active and unpretentious, they can arrange games, which won the love of aquarists

How To Distinguish A Neon Male

How To Distinguish A Neon Male

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Neon fish are the decoration of any aquarium. They chase each other, shimmering in the light, and will not leave anyone indifferent to their games and acrobatic numbers. If you are going to start breeding these fish, most likely it will not cause any difficulties, because they are completely unpretentious and easily reproduce at home

What To Do If The Water In The Aquarium Is Cloudy

What To Do If The Water In The Aquarium Is Cloudy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

From time to time, the water in the aquarium starts to become cloudy. There are many reasons why such a process occurs. It can be associated with both the vital activity of fish and the quality of food, and with various objects inside the aquarium, including the filter

Why Do Fish Jump Out Of The Aquarium

Why Do Fish Jump Out Of The Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Keeping an aquarium at home is an enjoyable experience. But sometimes problems arise, one of which is the jumping of the fish out of the water. You can stop attempts to leave the natural environment if you study and eliminate the causes of this phenomenon

How To Get Rid Of Cloudiness In An Aquarium

How To Get Rid Of Cloudiness In An Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many aquarists are faced with the problem of clouding the water in their aquariums. There are several reasons for this phenomenon - algal blooms, biological surge, high levels of organic carbon. How to get rid of the mud in the aquarium? Instructions Step 1 The appearance of white or gray turbidity in a new aquarium may be due to the formation of the soil

How To Rinse Aquarium Soil

How To Rinse Aquarium Soil

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The well-being of both its inhabitants and the plants growing in it depends on how correctly the soil for the aquarium is selected and prepared. That is why the task of selecting and preparing soil is more difficult than it seems at first glance

Why Does The Water In The Aquarium Become Cloudy?

Why Does The Water In The Aquarium Become Cloudy?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cloudy aquarium water is a common problem that even experienced aquarists sometimes face. It can be fatal for your fish. To avoid this, you need to understand the causes of this trouble and eliminate them. Why is the water in the aquarium cloudy?

How To Feed Swordsman Fry

How To Feed Swordsman Fry

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Within a few hours after the birth of the swordsman fry, they become quite independent and need food. In theory, the algal bloom in the aquarium can last one to two days. However, it should be remembered that feeding the fry in the first days of life has a great influence on their further development

How To Keep A Goldfish In A Round Aquarium

How To Keep A Goldfish In A Round Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The popularity of round aquariums and goldfish is due to two main factors - goldfish are among the most hardy and unpretentious aquatic inhabitants, and round aquariums are in harmony with any interior and are easy to clean. However, despite such advantages, there are several important rules that apply to keeping fish in such containers

What Fish Can Live Without Oxygen And A Filter

What Fish Can Live Without Oxygen And A Filter

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many fish, intended for keeping and breeding in captivity, cannot do without oxygen and a filter. But not all! There are wonderful aquarium fish that do without an aerator. Their name is betta, or cockerels. Instructions Step 1 The main advantage of these fighting fish is that they can live without oxygen and filter