How To Tell A Male Lovebird Parrot From A Female

How To Tell A Male Lovebird Parrot From A Female
How To Tell A Male Lovebird Parrot From A Female

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Lovebird parrots attract birdwatchers with their appearance and behavior: the female and the male mate only once and remain faithful to each other throughout their lives. In addition, visually they are quite similar, so those who want to get offspring often have questions about determining the sex characteristics of a female and a male.

How to tell a male lovebird parrot from a female
How to tell a male lovebird parrot from a female


Step 1

When purchasing a bird, pay attention to its size. It is best to choose among several other individuals - then there is a possibility of comparison. The female lovebird is slightly smaller than the male. But this indicator can hardly be called universal, since sometimes the difference in size is subtle. In addition, developmental features can affect individuals of any sex, therefore, especially large females may well exceed the size of the male or be compared with him.

Step 2

Look at the size of the beak: the male lovebird has a larger beak. In some cases, its color is much richer, but this depends on the specific type of lovebirds, of which there are at least six. This also applies to color. The female may be slightly lighter than the male.

Step 3

Take a close look at the skull of the purchased bird. The female's forehead is higher than that of the male, resembling a dome in shape. The size of the female's head is also slightly smaller. The male lovebird has a slightly elongated skull.

Step 4

If the birds have already formed a pair, then it is not difficult to identify the female: she behaves like a real woman, preening herself in front of her partner, to the extent that she inserts pieces of paper or bedding between the feathers, giving herself additional volume. Landing on a perch in the female is also different from that of the male lovebird parrot. If the male sits almost upright, then the female leans forward slightly. But in a store, this method cannot be considered reliable, since specific conclusions require several days of regular observations.
