Neon fish are the decoration of any aquarium. They chase each other, shimmering in the light, and will not leave anyone indifferent to their games and acrobatic numbers. If you are going to start breeding these fish, most likely it will not cause any difficulties, because they are completely unpretentious and easily reproduce at home. It is only important to understand where the males are and where the females are.

Step 1
Sexual dimorphism in neon fish is not very developed. To an inexperienced aquarist, it may seem that they are not at all different from each other. However, it is not. With a certain skill, you will quickly and easily distinguish between males and females, you just need to practice a little first. So, first, wait until your fish reach sexual maturity. In small fish, the differences between males and females are almost imperceptible, which is why it is recommended to engage in research only when the size of the fish reaches 3-4 cm in length.

Step 2
Pay attention to the size of the adult fish. Females of neons are much larger than males, and their abdomen is more rounded. Since the female needs to do such an important thing as laying eggs, she must be strong and large. The male, on the other hand, participates in the reproduction process only occasionally, therefore, it can do with a smaller size. Of course, you can only compare the size of fish of the same age.

Step 3
All neon fish have a bright stripe on their side. Take a closer look at her. In males, it is completely straight and runs parallel along the body. If you look at the female, then the strip on her side bends slightly, forming a small hump. Since the female is larger, this is very clearly visible even with the naked eye. By the way, the stripe on the back is a sign by which you can distinguish between males and females from a very young age. Even very small neons have a clearly drawn luminous line and you can see what shape it is.